Apparently Jeb Bush Needs a Hearing Aid, Stat

Mother Jones

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Yesterday’s quote of the day:

Megyn Kelly: Knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the Iraq invasion?

Jeb Bush: I would have.

Really? As Byron York points out, even George W. Bush himself has some qualms about the war knowing what we know now—namely that the intel about Saddam’s WMD was all 100 percent fiction derived from phony sources and wishful thinking. So how is ol’ Jeb going to clean up this steaming pile of gaffe-osity? Like this, according to former Bush aide Ana Navarro:

I emailed him this morning and I said to him, ‘Hey, I’m a little confused by this answer so I’m genuinely wondering did you mishear the question?'” Navarro said. “And he said, ‘Yes, I misheard the question.'”

….On Tuesday morning, Navarro she wasn’t sure whether he would clarify the answer.

Hoo boy. That’s his story? Good luck with that.

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Apparently Jeb Bush Needs a Hearing Aid, Stat

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