Author Archives: Joan Ames

Arctic base evacuated as ice dissolves beneath researchers’ feet

Arctic base evacuated as ice dissolves beneath researchers’ feet


Though it carries major supervillain cred, placing a scientific research station atop an Arctic ice floe in an era of global warming is a dicey proposition — even for the Russians.

North Pole 40, a Russian science station that monitors pollution and conducts meteorological research, began operating in October on an Arctic ice floe. The Russians have been deploying research stations to drifting ice floes for more than 70 years, and North Pole 40 is their 40th such station.

But they don’t make ice floes like they used to. After just seven months of research, the ice floe that supports North Pole 40 started disintegrating. So Russia is scrambling an ice breaker out to the site to relocate the station and rescue the 16 scientists aboard.

From the AFP, via The Australian:

“The ice floe has crumbled into six pieces,” said Arkady Soshnikov, spokesman for the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute.

“The people are not at risk but it is not possible to work in these conditions. The ice may disintegrate so a decision has been taken to evacuate” the station, he told AFP.

The station was located at 81 degrees North and 135 degrees West as of early morning on Wednesday. …

The UN weather agency said this month the Arctic’s sea ice melted at a record pace in 2012, the ninth-hottest year on record.

Vladimir Sokolov, who oversees the floating station at the Saint Petersburg-based Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, said the ice was disintegrating due to climate change.

“This has made the Arctic research significantly harder – the ice has become thinner and the weather conditions more difficult,” he told AFP.

The BBC reports that the research station will be relocated to Bolshevik Island, which is composed of solid ground covered with glaciers. (Borrowed time at best, since those are also melting quickly.)

With the Arctic expected to become ice-free during future summers, we’re certainly in the waning days for Russian ice-floe research stations — bad news for Russian scientists (and James Bond).

John Upton is a science fan and green news boffin who


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Arctic base evacuated as ice dissolves beneath researchers’ feet

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Tips To Read And Follow To Find A Valuable Solar Panel Contractor

The main hindrance to undertaking a renovation project by oneself for the first time is getting access to the right information. Seeking out a solar panel installation contractor with extensive work history is always smart; and so is hiring one to do the job in your place. Maybe you’re not a jack of all trades after all! Keep reading to gain some great advice on how to find a professional who will earn what you pay him.

You can find websites on the internet that provide ratings of solar panel installation contractors. This can be a great resource for you to learn negative and positive reviews of potential contractors. One such website is Angie’s List, which is widely used by people searching for contractors.

Look up solar panel installation contractor companies in the phone book and call each one and ask how long they have been in business to get a sense whether they have an established reputation. Ask what they will do to maintain great customer service and require them to sign a written contract. Conduct regular work site inspections to confirm they maintain professionalism and positive attitudes.

If a solar panel installation contractor makes enough money to advertise on the radio or television, they’re doing a lot of business, and will likely produce a high-quality end result for your project. Bear in mind, however, that they’ll likely be a large solar panel company without a high level of investment in your project, and they’ll likely cost more than a smaller contractor.

Do not select a solar panel installation contractor based solely on a good advertisement or large billboard. Make sure to research a potential contractor thoroughly before you consider hiring them. Their advertisement claims may or may not be legitimate.

Make sure you research all of the legal requirements on hiring solar panel experts if you decide to not hire a solar panel installation contractor. That way you are aware of any responsibilities you must undertake such as worker’s compensation insurance.

The method by which a solar panel installation contractor keeps up to date on advancements in his field can tell a lot about their commitment. Solar Panel Contractors who attend trade shows and belong to trade associations are committed and will generally provide good quality work.

Make sure that you keep at least ten percent of your total budget open just incase you have any problems that pop up in the future. If something happens and you have no money to cover it, the whole project could be ruined. Also, you shouldn’t pay your solar panel installation contractor if they aren’t time or don’t do things to your expectations.

If you run into a solar panel installation contractor who takes the easy way out or cuts corners, find a different one. Make sure to pay attention to reviews about prospective contractors, even if you know the contractor. Only hire that person if the previous clients agree on his/her quality of work.

Looking for ways to enhance your understanding related to the tips discussed above? Just submit westsun solar solar panel installers perth when searching online. You can discover some great helpful ideas about perth solar power.

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How To Productive Search For A Nice Solar Panel Contractor

You want the absolute best solar panel installation contractor for your upcoming building projects. Some of the steps to take are to ensure that the contractor does not have any pending lawsuits against them and hear recommendations from other people about the contractor’s work. The following tips will help you pinpoint the contractor that is right for you.

Solar Panel Contractors usually have many jobs under their belt before they take your project. The most important job they have it to keep you informed of the projects progress. If they don’t do so, try to make it clear to your solar panel installation contractor that you expect more. If they disagree, you might have to use a lawyer to settle it.

A solar panel installation contractor who cuts corners to finish a project shouldn’t be hired. While reading reviews on potential contractors make sure you are keeping an eye out for any details that might give you an idea of a contractor’s work ethic and work quality, as well. A contractor who takes the easy way out won’t give your project what it deserves.

Make sure the contract covers whether these savings are passed on to you or are part of the solar panel installation contractors overall gain. This is important for areas that put a cap on how much profit can be made from a job.

Don’t rush to make a final decision, take your time. Ask for recommendations, verify and only once you have all the information you need to make an educated choice should you decide.

Make yourself an outline of the complete process. Write down all the aspects that will go into your project from researching solar panel installation contractors down to the end date of completion. You have to make sure you are clear and the contractor you hire is clear as to what you are expecting.

A good solar panel installation contractor will be proud to show off his work, ask to visit a current project to display the quality of work and working conditions he is known to offer. If the contractor is unwilling he may be hiding something, think twice.

One of the great things about hiring a solar panel installation contractor is that they will take care of the little details for you. Instead of having to worry about hiring solar panel experts or purchasing materials, your contractor will do the work for you. Make sure to follow up with them to ensure everything is up to your standards.

Most solar panel installation contractors who have made an effort to join reputable associations are usually professionals and highly skilled. Most associations will not advise you legally on the contractor they would recommend for you and usually it is upon you as an individual to carry out a thorough research on who possesses the skills that you want.

Just find any large search engine and search for solar lights if you need more helpful tips about solar lights installation.

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