Author Archives: AllenTritt

A New Accuser Is Alleging That Donald Trump Assaulted Her

Mother Jones

Yet another woman has alleged that she was sexually assaulted by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Kristin Anderson told the Washington Post‘s Karen Tumulty that, at a nightclub in the early 1990s, Trump reached under her skirt to grope her genitals. Anderson, whose story was corroborated by friends, decided to come forward with her story after a 2005 video surfaced last week in which Trump brags that his fame allows him to cavalierly grope women. “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything,” he said in the clip.

“It wasn’t a sexual come-on,” Anderson told the Post of her encounter with Trump. “I don’t know why he did it. It was like just to prove that he could do it, and nothing would happen. There was zero conversation. We didn’t even really look at each other. It was very random, very nonchalant on his part.”

This is just the latest revelation of Trump forcing himself on women. On Wednesday, the New York Times published accounts from two women who told the paper that Trump had groped them. The Guardian, CBS, and BuzzFeed have also reported numerous tales from contestants at Trump’s pageants who say Trump had burst into their dressing rooms while the contestants were undressed. And this week a People reporter detailed a 2005 encounter with Trump when he allegedly cornered her in an empty room, pushed her against the wall, and began kissing her.

Trump has denied allegations that he has touched women inappropriately. On Thursday, he angrily lashed out at his accusers at a rally in West Palm Beach, Florida. “These events never happened—and the people who brought them—you take a look at these people, you study these people, and you’ll understand that also,” he said.

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A New Accuser Is Alleging That Donald Trump Assaulted Her

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We Created a Policing Monster By Mistake

Mother Jones

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Although I’ve avoided writing about Ferguson for private reasons, I almost wrote a short post yesterday in order to make one specific point. But it turns out to be OK that I didn’t, because Annie Lowrey wrote it for me and did a better job than I would have.

The point of her post is simple: Two decades ago violent crime really was out of control, and it seemed reasonable to a lot of people that police needed to respond in a much more forceful way. We can argue forever about whether militarizing our police forces was an appropriate response to higher crime rates, but at least it was an understandable motivation. Later, police militarization got a further boost from 9/11, and again, that was at least an understandable response.

But at the same time this trend started in the early 90s, the crime wave of the 70s and 80s finally crested and then began to ebb. Likewise, Al Qaeda terrorism never evolved into a serious local problem. We’ve spent the past two decades militarizing our police forces to respond to problems that never materialized, and now we’re stuck with them. We don’t need commando teams and SWAT units in every town in America to deal with either terrorism or an epidemic of crime, so they get used for other things instead. And that’s how we end up with debacles like Ferguson.

Police militarization was a mistake. You can argue that perhaps we didn’t know that at the time. No one knew in 1990 that crime was about to begin a dramatic long-term decline, and no one knew in 2001 that domestic terrorism would never become a serious threat. But we know now. There’s no longer even a thin excuse for arming our police forces this way.


We Created a Policing Monster By Mistake

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