Author Archives: CorineFethersto

These Women Are Tired of Being Nice. Read Their Badass Letter About Sexism in Tech.

Mother Jones

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It’s no secret that the tech industry can be a brutal place for women trying to work there. The parade of offenses continues: the social coding giant GitHub came under a firestorm of criticism earlier this year after one of the company’s few female developers quit, alleging a pattern of sexual and gender-based harassment. And a website called “CodeBabes” launched, offering to teach bros how to code under the tutelage of virtual strippers. It seems there’s no end to this type of news; in fact, there’s a whole site devoted to tracking these flareups.

On Thursday, a fed-up group of women technologists and leaders published an open letter about how women are treated in tech, and ways to do better. It was published it in Model View Culture, a startup media site that covers issues of culture and inclusion in tech. The cosigners include Divya Manian, a product manager at Adobe, Sabrina Majeed, iOS designer at Buzzfeed, Angelina Fabbro, who is on the developers tools team at Mozilla, and Jessica Dillon, a software engineer at Bugsnag, a San Francisco-based startup.

As the women put it, “We are tired of pretending this stuff doesn’t happen.” The whole letter is absolutely worth a read, but here’s an excerpt:

Our experiences? They’re just like the stories you hear about. But maybe you thought because we weren’t as loud, that this stuff doesn’t happen to us. We’ve been harassed on mailing lists and called ‘whore’/‘cunt’ without any action being taken against aggressors. We get asked about our relationships at interviews, and we each have tales of being groped at public events. We’ve been put in the uncomfortable situation of having men attempt to turn business meetings into dates.

We regularly receive creepy, rapey e-mails where men describe what a perfect wife we would be and exactly how we should expect to be subjugated. Sometimes there are angry e-mails that threaten us to leave the industry, because ‘it doesn’t need anymore c**ts ruining it’…

We’d rather be writing blog posts about best practices for development, design, and tech management instead of the one we’re writing now. We are tired of pretending this stuff doesn’t happen, but continuing to keep having these experiences again and again. We keep our heads down, working at our jobs, hoping that if we just work hard at what we do, maybe somehow the problem will go away…

Imagine if you were the only person like you on your team and when you left your computer and came back there was very graphic porn on your screen (a specific example that we have experienced)…

Read the full letter here.

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These Women Are Tired of Being Nice. Read Their Badass Letter About Sexism in Tech.

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Thom Tillis Wins North Carolina Senate Primary

Mother Jones

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Bullet: dodged. North Carolina speaker of the house Thom Tillis cruised to victory in Tuesday’s North Carolina Republican Senate primary, setting up a general election showdown with Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) this fall. Democrats had held on to hopes that Tillis, who was endorsed at the last minute by Mitt Romney, would fall short of the 40-percent threshold needed to win the race outright and head into a runoff with Greg Brannon, a far-out tea party doctor backed by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)

In another election year, Tillis would have been branded the conservative crusader. As the leader of an unpopular state legislature that shifted hard to the right in 2013, Tillis sparked a protest movement and national outrage over his steep budget cuts to social services and harsh restrictions on abortions. In 2011, he told a crowd he planned to “divide and conquer” people who received government assistance and subject them to drug tests. The state’s voter ID law, passed with Tillis’ support, is among the nation’s strictest. The legislature even banned state scientists from calculating sea level rise—just in case.

But Tillis struggled for months to win over the Republican base. At one point, tea party activists leaked audio of an angry Tillis chewing out conservative activists for having the gall to suggest that he was not wearing his “big boy pants.” But while North Carolina conservatives seemed to be clamoring for a better choice, they never settled on an alternative. When Reps. Renee Ellmers and Virginia Foxx decided to sit it out, the best they could come up with was Brannon, an OB-GYN who runs a chain of crisis pregnancy centers in the state and picked up the endorsement, in October, of Paul.

But Brannon was a singularly flawed candidate (even the insurgent-friendly Senate Conservatives Fund sat this one out), which might explain why Paul never came to visit until this Monday. He endorsed the right of a state to nullify federal laws he doesn’t agree with and spoke at a rally co-sponsored by a pro-secession organization, the League of the South. He called food stamps “slavery” and pledged to get rid of the Department of Agriculture. He dabbled in 9/11 trutherism. He floated a novel theory that Planned Parenthood is trying to kill newborns. He dismissed public education as a Marxist plot that “does nothing but dehumanize” kids. When a Huffington Post headline featured a “GOP Candidate:” story anytime in the last seven months, there was a fifty-percent chance that candidate was Brannon.

So it’s not surprising that he lost and Tillis won. What’s surprising is that anyone—especially an aspiring presidential candidate with dreams of making nice with big-time donors—thought fit to elevate Brannon in the first place.

View the original here:  

Thom Tillis Wins North Carolina Senate Primary

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