Author Archives: DemiLockett

How Hillary Clinton Won Nevada

Mother Jones

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It might have been closer than most people would have guessed a month ago, but Hillary Clinton’s long-term investment in Nevada paid off. The former secretary of state edged out Sen. Bernie Sanders by about five percentage points in the Nevada caucuses. It wasn’t quite the 20-point edge that Clinton had in polls from late last year, but it was a decisive win that backs up the Clinton campaign’s contention that Sanders won’t be able to maintain the same level of support he enjoyed in Iowa and New Hampshire as the contest moves to more diverse states.

Nevada was always a big priority for Clinton, a first test to see if she could bring together the multicultural coalition that has formed the Democratic base across the country. Her campaign manager, Robby Mook, got his start on the Clinton team running her 2008 campaign in the state. The campaign had a bevy of staffers in the state, including Mook disciple Emmy Ruiz, as soon as the national campaign launched in March. They replicated the sort of grassroots community organizing that Mook learned on Howard Dean’s 2004 campaign.

Sanders, meanwhile, didn’t get going until half a year later. His state campaign manager, Joan Kato, didn’t arrive until November. While the Clinton campaign spent the final weeks of the race running a get-out-the-vote effort to make sure Clinton backers actually showed up to caucus, the Sanders campaign was still trying to identify its supporters at a phone banking event Wednesday focused on reaching Latino voters.

“I think one of the reasons that we got here a little bit later, that the average person in Nevada understands, is that we were raising our money through small donor donations,” Kato told me later that day. “With a $27 average donation, it might take you a little bit more time to get off the ground.” But the Sanders campaign quickly ramped up, spending more on TV ads in the state and eventually opening more field offices (12) than the Clinton campaign (7).

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How Hillary Clinton Won Nevada

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Unregulated bumblebee trade threatens bumblebees

Unregulated bumblebee trade threatens bumblebees

Dan Mullen

Though they’re bigger, bumblebees tend to get overshadowed by European honeybees. We’ve all heard that honeybee colonies are collapsing, but did you know that the bumblebees that been have been pollinating America’s native plants for millennia are also disappearing?

The U.S. government, though, treats them with equal disdain. It is not taking decisive steps to protect honeybees, and no one’s yet been able to sting it into action to protect the bumbling variety either.

Still, activists keep trying. On Tuesday, the Natural Resources Defense Council, Defenders of Wildlife, and the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation wrote to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, urging the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to regulate commercial trade in bumblebees.

Commercial operations box up bumblebees and ship them around the country, generally to pollinate crops grown in greenhouses. That trade is transmitting deadly diseases and parasites to wild populations, the enviros charge, and the release of aggressive Eastern species of bumblebees in Western states is hurting populations of the chilled-out Western varieties.

It’s not like this is a new issue. APHIS has known about problems associated with the bumblebee trade for at least two decades. And the environmentalists submitted a petition urging the agency to regulate the commercial bumblebee trade nearly four years ago. From the activists’ letter [PDF]:

The requested rulemaking is urgent and overdue. Numerous bumble bee pollinators have already declined dramatically and pathogens from commercial bumble bees are likely responsible for this; without agency intervention, we will likely continue to see a dramatic decline in bumble bee pollinators with perilous and potentially irreversible consequences. …

In the last two decades, there has been a dramatic rise in the demand for commercially reared bumble bees to pollinate greenhouse crops, particularly tomatoes. This rise has come with a concomitant decline in numerous species of North American bumble bees. The evidence to date supports the hypothesis that this decline was caused by the introduction of diseases spread by commercial bees. Since we submitted our petition in January 2010 several new studies have shown that commercial bumble bee hives harbor disease.

The unregulated bumblebee trade, combined with the wanton use of pesticides, is thought to have already killed off the Franklin’s bumblebee, which was last spotted in 2006. The environmentalists say federal guidelines could help save the western bumblebee, rusty patched bumblebee, yellow-banded bumblebee, and American bumblebee from succumbing to the same fate.

John Upton is a science fan and green news boffin who tweets, posts articles to Facebook, and blogs about ecology. He welcomes reader questions, tips, and incoherent rants: this article interesting? Donate now to support our work.Read more: Business & Technology





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Unregulated bumblebee trade threatens bumblebees

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