Elizabeth Warren: “I Don’t Support the Death Penalty” for Boston Marathon Bomber
Mother Jones
On Thursday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said she is opposed to sentencing Dzohkhar Tsarnaev to death, one day after the Boston Marathon bomber was found guilty on all 30 charges related to his involvement in the deadly 2013 attack.
Speaking on CBS This Morning, Warren said, “Nothing is ever going to make those who were injured whole…My heart goes out to the families here, but I don’t support the death penalty.” “I think he should spend his life in jail, no possibility of parole,” she said. “He should die in prison.”
“The alternative to the death penalty—it’s not as if you set this guy free. He’s put away…he’s not someone who is able to keep sucking up a lot of energy. The families need their chance to move on.”
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker (R), on the other hand, supports putting Tsarnaev to death.
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Elizabeth Warren: “I Don’t Support the Death Penalty” for Boston Marathon Bomber