Author Archives: HarrietAMRO

Says Who?

Mother Jones

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Today’s ubiquitous new internet meme is “Says who?” It’s based on this simultaneously hilarious and awkward 25-second clip of an interview with Donald Trump’s famously dickish lawyer, Michael Cohen:

I dunno. Maybe this kind of stuff works during depositions of small-time contractors who are trying to get Trump to pay his bills. In the big leagues, not so much. Here’s the inevitable response:

The next 12 weeks are going to be a barrel of laughs.

See the article here:

Says Who?

Posted in FF, G & F, GE, LG, ONA, Uncategorized, Venta | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Says Who?

S&P 500 Sets Yet Another Fake Record This Year

Mother Jones

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From the Wall Street Journal:

U.S. stocks kicked off the second quarter with broad gains Tuesday, propelling the S&P 500 index to a seventh record close of the year.

I’ll cop to being sort of pedantic here, but no, the S&P 500 didn’t set a record today, let alone its seventh of the year. Time series like this only make sense if you adjust for inflation, and if you do that the S&P closed 10 percent below its August 2000 peak. Granted, the S&P 500 has more than doubled since 2008, an immensely more impressive performance than, say, median income or the unemployment rate, but it’s still not in record territory.

If you’re curious to see what the real S&P 500 looks like, it’s in the chart below.

Visit link: 

S&P 500 Sets Yet Another Fake Record This Year

Posted in alo, FF, GE, LG, ONA, Uncategorized, Venta | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on S&P 500 Sets Yet Another Fake Record This Year