Author Archives: ImaCardoza

Running for President Can Be a Profitable Investment

Mother Jones

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The Washington Post has a long piece tonight about Donald Trump’s latest FEC filing, which shows that business has boomed during his presidential campaign. It’s a little hard to make sense of, but apparently Trump claims that revenue from his various businesses rose from $362 million to $557 million. However, about $150 million of that came from one-off sales, so it’s unclear how much his campaign has really boosted things.

You can decide for yourself how seriously to take this, but here’s the most important part of the story:

While Trump’s campaign issued a statement referring to the form as a tally of his personal “income,” it is actually a list of his companies’ gross revenue — a figure that does not factor in the costs of paying employees and running the companies. In addition, the FEC form does not account for debt interest payments, a potentially significant expenditure for Trump, who lists five loans of over $50 million each.

In other words, this is all pretty meaningless, since we have no idea how well run Trump’s company is. Generally speaking, though, a large corporation is doing well if it records pretax earnings of around 10 percent. For a company like Trump’s, maybe the average is more like 15-20 percent. Then again, it could be lower if his debt service is high. Who knows?

That said, a rough guess puts Trump’s income last year somewhere in the range of $40-$100 million. Not bad.

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Running for President Can Be a Profitable Investment

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This Was the Most Important Exchange of the Democratic Debate

Mother Jones

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Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders may have enjoyed a detente during the foreign policy portion of Saturday’s Democratic debate, but when the subject turned to Wall Street, the gloves came off.

It started when the CBS moderator, John Dickerson, asked Clinton how voters could trust her to rein in Wall Street given her close ties to the financial services industry. Clinton was ready for it. “Well I think it’s pretty clear that they know that I will,” she said. She described “two billionaire hedge fund managers who started a super-PAC and they’re advertising against me in Iowa.” Why? Because “they clearly think I’m going to do what I say I’m gonna do.” She then invoked her Senate career and pointed to legislation that she introduced to limit compensation and increase shareholder oversight and continued:

I’ve laid out a very aggressive plan to rein in Wall Street—not just the big banks, that’s a part of the problem, and I’m going after them, it’s a comprehensive plan. But I’m going further than that. We have to go after what’s call the shadow banking industry. Those hedge funds—look at what happened in ’08. AIG an insurance company. Lehmann Brothers, an investment bank, helped to bring our economy down. So I want to look at the whole problem, and that’s why my proposal is much more comprehensive than anything else that’s been put forth.

But when Dickerson asked Sanders for his response, the Vermont senator was unimpressed:

“Not good enough!”

“Here’s the story, I mean let’s not be naive about it,” he said. “Over her political career, why has Wall Street been a major, the major campaign contributor to Hillary Clinton? Now, maybe they’re dumb and they don’t know what they’re gonna get, but I don’t think so.”

Dickerson pressed Sanders on what specifically he believed Wall Street would get for the industry’s campaign contributions to his opponent. Sanders explained:

I have never heard a candidate—never—who’s received huge amounts of money from oil, from coal, from Wall Street from the military-industrial complex, not one candidate, who doesn’t say, ‘Oh, these contributions will not influence me, I’m going to be independent.’ But why do they make millions of dollars of campaign contributions? They expect to get something. Everybody knows that. Once again, I am running a campaign differently than any other candidate. We are relying on small campaign donors, 750,000 of them, thirty bucks apiece. That’s who am I indebted to.

Clinton was ready with a sharp response. “He has basically used his answer to impugn my integrity, let’s be frank here,” she began. “Not only do I have hundreds of thousands of donors—most of them small—and I’m proud that for the very first time, a majority of my donors are women—60 percent.” She said her support for Wall Street is because “I represented New York on 9/11 when we were attacked.”

Where were we attacked? We were attacked in downtown Manhattan where Wall Street is. I did spend a whole lot of time effort helping them rebuild. That was good for New York, it was good for the economy, and it was a way to rebuke the terrorists who had attacked our country. Now it’s fine for you to say what you’re gonna say but I looked very carefully at your proposal. Reinstating Glass–Steagall is a part of what very well could help. But it is nowhere near enough. My proposal is tougher, more effective, and more comprehensive because I go after all of Wall Street, not just the big banks.

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This Was the Most Important Exchange of the Democratic Debate

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