Author Archives: MelbaSeale

How to Use the Moon’s Power to Help Your Garden

Planting crops based on the phases of the moon is an ancient practice thats said to increase plant vitality and increase vegetable yields. It can also help guide you on the best times to harvest crops, maintain your garden and care for indoor plants. These are some of the basics to get started.

How does the Moon affect your garden?

We know the Moons gravitational pull is strong enough to influence the Earths oceans and cause tides. Lunar gardening suggests that the Moons gravity also affects the water within soils.

Its said ground water rises as the moon waxes (becomes fuller), and then drops as the moon wanes (gets smaller). This means that plants and seeds planted during a waxing moon phase will have more water available for upward vegetative growth. Whereas, the waning moon phase is better for below-ground root growth as ground water recedes.

Very little research has been done around this concept, but you can do your own test on how the moon affects moisture levels in your soil. Many gardeners who consistently use lunar gardening techniques swear by its results.

How does lunar gardening work?

Lunar gardening recommends what you should do in the garden during each phase of the moon. The Moon goes through a complete cycle every 29 days, which is then broken into quarters as shown in the diagram below.

The primary phases of the moon are known as waxing and waning. The waning moon starts when the moon is full and ends when the moon is the smallest, known as the new moon. The waxing moon starts with the new moon and ends when the moon is full.

Most calendars have symbols that show the full moon, new moon and often the quarters in between. This is all you need to start planning your lunar gardening activities. If you want to explore this method in more depth, various lunar calendars and gardening almanacs are available. The Farmers Almanac is one of the best-known resources on planting around moon phases.

Gardening Tasks in Each Moon Phase

1. First Quarter (Waxing)

This quarter starts with a new moon and goes until the moon is half-full. Water is rising in the soil and more available for seeds and young plants.

Plant vegetables grown for their leaves and above-ground parts, such as cabbage, lettuce, grains and celery. These vegetables also produce seeds on external flowers instead of fruit.
Plant annual flowers and ornamental flowering shrubs.
Water your garden well, including your compost.
Graft or take cuttings of fruit and ornamental trees.
Transplant and repot houseplants.
Later in the season, pick fruits and vegetables intended for immediate use, such as salad greens. Water content should be higher during this moon phase, so your fresh veggies will be crunchier and juicier.

2. Second Quarter (Waxing)

This quarter starts with a half-full moon and ends when the moon is full. Moonlight is becoming stronger during this phase, which can promote vigorous leaf growth in seedlings and other plants.

Plant above-ground vegetables that produce their seeds inside fruit, such as beans, squash, tomatoes and peas.
Plant berries, such as raspberries, blackberries and gooseberries.
If needed, give your crops a light fertilizing with compost or other organic feed.

3. Third Quarter (Waning)

This quarter starts with the full moon and ends when it is half full. Strong root development is a key part of this moon phase as ground water starts to move downwards.

Plant vegetable root crops, such as potatoes, beets, melons, parsnips, carrots, peanuts and onions.
Plant ornamental bulbs as well as biennial and perennial flowers, including strawberries.
Plant trees to encourage strong root growth.
Divide perennial plants.
Spread mulch where needed.

4. Fourth Quarter (Waning)

This quarter starts with a half-full moon and ends with the new moon. The ground water table is lowest during this moon phase and plant growth is slowest, making it an excellent time for maintenance tasks. It is also a good time for harvesting because the low moisture levels reduce the likelihood of rotting.

Remove weeds and unwanted plants.
Mow your lawn because mowing will retard its growth during this moon phase.
Start your compost, or turn your existing compost pile. This moon phase promotes decomposition.
Prune and trim perennials, shrubs and trees.
Spray fruit trees if needed.
Till or cultivate your gardens soil.
Harvest flowers and seeds for next year.
Dry herbs, flowers or fruit for later use.
Harvest long-term storage crops, such as potatoes, cabbage, or apples.

Grow Your Own Salad: 5 of the Easiest Vegetables to Plant
Weeds That are Good for Your Garden
How Light Pollution Affects Wildlife and Ecosystems

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are solely those of the author and may not reflect those of Care2, Inc., its employees or advertisers.

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How to Use the Moon’s Power to Help Your Garden

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Republicans Find New $1.7 Billion Iran Chew Toy

Mother Jones

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Here’s the latest appeasement of Iran from the capitulator-in-chief:

A deal that sent $1.7 billion in U.S. funds to Iran, announced alongside the freeing of five Americans from Iranian jails, has emerged as a new flashpoint amid a claim in Tehran that the transaction amounted to a ransom payment.

The U.S. Treasury Department wired the money to Iran around the same time its theocratic government allowed three American prisoners to fly out of Tehran on Sunday aboard a Dassault Falcon jet owned by the Swiss air force.

….Republican lawmakers are calling for an inquiry….“There’s no way the recent events occurred randomly,” said Rep. Mike Pompeo (R. Kan.), who wrote Secretary of State John Kerry this week to ask about the payment. “We will do our best to find out if this was in our interest.”

You know, I could almost believe that this was just a coincidence. If it were really a direct payoff, both sides would have taken more care to conceal it. At least, that’s how these things usually go.

But I suppose it probably was a payoff. We would have been forced to pay out the money eventually anyway, but I guess the Iranians wanted to feel like they got the better of the Great Satan or something. And now the Republicans have something new to hold an endless series of hearings about. Everybody wins!

See the article here:  

Republicans Find New $1.7 Billion Iran Chew Toy

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