Author Archives: NealHannell

Matt Lauer Asked If Obama Could Imagine Trump Giving a State of the Union. Here’s His Response.

Mother Jones

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Matt Lauer asked President Barack Obama if he could imagine Donald Trump giving a State of the Union address. His response:

“Well, I can imagine it in a Saturday Night Live skit.”


Obama also dismissed Trump’s chances of winning the presidency.

“I’m pretty confident that the overwhelming majority of Americans are looking for the kind of politics that does feed our hopes and not our fears, that does work together and doesn’t try to divide, that isn’t looking for simplistic solutions and scapegoating but looks for us buckling down and figuring out, ‘How do we make things work for the next generation?'”

He also gave a preview of what will be his final State of the Union tonight: “Part of what I want to do in this last address is to remind people, you know what, we’ve got a lot of good things going for us and if we can get our politics right, it turns out that we’re not as divided on the ideological spectrum as people make us out to be.”

He’s right: America is in pretty good shape.


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Matt Lauer Asked If Obama Could Imagine Trump Giving a State of the Union. Here’s His Response.

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Needed: A New Marketing Strategy For Defending the Indefensible

Mother Jones

Richard Fink, the Koch brothers’ top political strategist, explained recently why they’re having trouble reaching the “middle third” of the country that’s relatively non-ideological:

Yeah, we want to decrease regulations. Why? It’s because we can make more profit, OK? Yeah, cut government spending so we don’t have to pay so much taxes,” said Fink. “There’s truth in that….But the middle part of the country doesn’t see it that way.”

“When we focus on decreasing government spending, over-criminalization, decreasing taxes, it doesn’t do it, OK? We’ve been reaching the middle third by telling them what’s important — what we think is important should be important to them. And they’re not responding and don’t like it, OK? Well, we get business — what do we do? We want to find out what the customer wants, right, not what we want them to buy,” he said.

Imagine that. When the middle third of the country hears the message that regulations should be cut back so that corporations can make more money, it doesn’t respond well. So what’s the answer? Find out what they do respond to and use that as an excuse for less regulation instead. Ixnay on the ofitpray!

As Fink says, this is pretty ordinary marketing. Still, it’ll be interesting to see what they come up with. Obviously the Kochians feel like they need a new set of selling points for reduced corporate regulation, and it needs to be something that Joe and Jane Sixpack can identify with. I wonder what it’s going to be?

Read article here: 

Needed: A New Marketing Strategy For Defending the Indefensible

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