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No, really, your birth control is supposed to be free now

put a (nuva) ring on it

No, really, your birth control is supposed to be free now

By on 11 May 2015commentsShare

For National Women’s Health Week, we’ll be highlighting women’s health issues in the United States.

Let’s play an American history game: Where Were You when you realized that the Affordable Care Act really, actually meant that you wouldn’t have to pay a copay for your birth control?

For me, it was a Walgreens on the north end of Seattle in February 2014, staring dumbfoundedly at a pharmacist who assured me that no, really, there was no charge for those pills.

This was a very happy moment, but one that not all privately insured, contraception-using women have had yet — which is really not OK. So new White House regulations, just issued today, will firmly remind health insurers that, yes, they are required to provide birth control to women at no cost.

Why is this reminder necessary? Vox reports:

Two recent investigations — one by the Kaiser Family Foundation and another by the National Women’s Law Center — found that not all insurance plans were abiding by these rules.

Some insurers seemed to blatantly disregard the Obamacare mandate. The KFF study — which looked at a sample of 20 insurers in five states — found one that simply didn’t cover the birth control ring and four that “couldn’t ascertain” whether they covered birth control implants. These are potential violations of the law.

This is really not complicated: Provide free, easy-to-get birth control, and women’s lives will universally improve. Fail to do so, and life becomes an Amy Schumer sketch — but way less fun. The birth control mandate of the Affordable Care Act has already had real, positive effects on women’s access to contraception. The percentages of privately insured women who have had no copays on their birth control have increased dramatically — in the case of birth control pills, for example, from 15 percent to 67 percent.

Basically, insurance companies, like surly teens, just need to be constantly reminded of what they’re supposed to do. If yours isn’t cooperating, call it every day until it does — or, alternatively, until it lashes out and gets a small, regrettable ankle tattoo.

The White House just got aggressive enforcing Obamacare’s birth control mandate

, Vox.



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No, really, your birth control is supposed to be free now

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Illinois kills online coal propaganda targeting kids

Illinois kills online coal propaganda targeting kids

via Midwest Energy NewsA smiling lump of coal shaped like Illinois tells kids that coal is ace.

A dark era of pro-coal brainwashing funded by Illinois taxpayers may finally be coming to an end.

We told you last month that the state’s Commerce Department, which oversees a coal-education program mandated by state law, had urged an overhaul of the materials that it provides to teachers. A review by the department concluded that the materials were biased in favor of the dirty fossil fuel.

Now comes news from coal journalist Jeff Biggers, writing on Monday for Yes Magazine, that the department has stripped controversial coal-related educational material from its website:

The website sections were supposed to educate children about energy, but had been widely denounced because they focused on misleading pro-coal messages. …

As pressure increased on the department to take action, staff members initially claimed that they were too broke to fix the problem. Then the pages disappeared from the site on Monday. Earlier screen shots show sections called “Education” and “Kid’s Site,” neither of which was visible when YES! checked the DCEO site today. …

“This is a victory for our children and schools,” said Sam Stearns, a former coal miner who helped to organize for the site to be changed, “and a first step toward refashioning an energy education program that tells the truth about the health and environmental impacts of coal mining and burning.”

The website pages were deleted less than two weeks after Stearns launched a petition-based campaign against them.

Yes Magazine, Pro-Coal Kids’ Pages Pulled from Government Site as Public Pressure Increases

John Upton is a science fan and green news boffin who tweets, posts articles to Facebook, and blogs about ecology. He welcomes reader questions, tips, and incoherent rants:

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Illinois kills online coal propaganda targeting kids

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