Ben Carson Is Taking a Break From Talking About Hitler to Sell His Book

Mother Jones

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Ben Carson, currently trailing only Donald Trump in the Republican presidential polls with just three months to go until the first votes are cast, is taking some time off. To sell his new book.

Per ABC News:

Republican presidential contender Dr. Ben Carson has put his public campaign events on hold for two more weeks to go on book tour for his new tome “A More Perfect Union” and catch up on fundraising events.

The campaign has been careful to separate campaign events and the book tour, and doesn’t want to classify the tour as related to the campaign in any way.

This week he is catching up on fundraising events and will be back on his book tour next week making stops in Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa. So for the next two weeks, Carson won’t be appearing at any public “campaign events.”

Put another way: he hasn’t held a campaign event since October 2, and won’t hold another until October 28.

National Review‘s Jim Geraghty asks the obvious question—”Why on Earth would any serious candidate for president decide to stop campaigning at a moment like this for some book-signings and readings?” A better question might be, why start running a real campaign now? Carson has more or less been on a book tour for the last three years, releasing a handful of books in quick succession that have built up his name recognition among conservative voters and given him ample free media at places like Fox News. He’s even continued to deliver paid speeches during the campaign.

It’s unconventional, sure, but it’s made him a lot of money and propelled him to near the top of the GOP field. You can’t argue with the results.

Read article here:

Ben Carson Is Taking a Break From Talking About Hitler to Sell His Book

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