Mother Jones
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Remember this summer when Ted Cruz refused to attack Donald Trump? Now, it seems, the Cruz campaign is making up for lost time. With polls showing Trump in the lead in Iowa—and only a few days left for Cruz to overtake him—Cruz and his surrogates are now tearing into Trump with all they’ve got. The game plan: Convince Iowans that Trump is a liberal masquerading as a Republican.
On Wednesday night, a jam-packed rally for Cruz in West Des Moines started to feel a lot like an anti-Trump rally.
Whether or not the Trump attacks will win the day for Cruz, the audience at Wednesday’s gathering ate them up. The rally, which was billed as a pro-life event, drew leaders of the religious right and other socially conservative Cruz backers, such as Rep. Steve King of Iowa and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Here are the top attacks on Trump from the event.
Read this article:
Cruz’s Closing Argument in Iowa: Trump Is a Liberal in Disguise