Don’t Mess with the RFS

Don’t Mess with the RFS

Posted 6 February 2013 in


Last year may have been a challenging one, but the ethanol industry continued to bolster America’s economy and fuel supply to the tune of more than 13 billion gallons of renewable fuel and $43 billion in GDP.

The Renewable Fuels Association released the new economic data today, including findings that the industry employed or supported jobs for more than 300,000 Americans. That translates into $30 billion in household income for American workers.

That’s why it’s so important to protect the RFS, the policy that supports continued growth and job – and the industry is ready to go to the mat to defend the policy against opponents like the oil lobby. That’s the message Renewable Fuels Association President Bob Dinneen delivered today in his State of the Industry speech:

“Big Oil, represented by the American Petroleum Institute, has declared war on the RFS. They’ve been joined by Big Food, the angry birds, mad cows and hungry hogs. Together, they want to feed once more at the trough of low corn prices and government subsidies. They are putting their profits over the nation’s security. They will not succeed. But it will be an epic fight. And our mantra must be, ‘Don’t mess with the RFS!’”

Despite challenges and detractors, supporters of renewable fuel are ready to defend the policy that will ensure we all have choices at the pump, lower gas prices and a cleaner environment.

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Don’t Mess with the RFS

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