Earth Week Daily Action: Eliminate 3-5 Toxic Personal Care Products

Less is more when it comes to how many creams, lotions, soaps and fragrances you use on your body.

That’s because, the less you use, the more money you’ll save and the healthier you’ll be. Earth Week is the perfect time to take stock of what you use and cut back 3-5 that you don’t really need.

Why bother?

Most personal care products contain a worrisome cocktail of questionable if not downright dangerous chemicals that have been linked to cancer, reproductive failure, learning disabilities and asthma.

Here are some of the worst ingredients your products may contain:

PhthalatesPhthalates are industrial compounds that soften plastics. But they also give perfume its slightly oily texture, give hair sprays their oomph and are found in nail polish and many other products. The problems with phthalates are well documented and include links to abnormal development of reproductive organs in baby boys and premature breast development in young girls, among other ills.

Parabens – Parabens are a preservative common in cosmetics and personal care products. Parabens havealso been linked to allergic dermatitis and skin rashes, and have been found in breast cancer tissue.

Synthetic FragrancesFragrances and preservatives are the main ingredients in cosmetics. Ironically, fragrances are also the most common cause of skin problems, like contact dermatitis. They also trigger asthma and less dangerous responses, like sneezing and itchy eyes. More than 5,000 different kinds of fragrances are used in makeup, shampoo, soap and lotion.

Triclosan – Public health officials are raising alarms about this chemical because its antibacterial properties may be giving rise to a group of “super germs” that cannot be controlled by available antibiotics. Doctors believe it’s important to build up natural resistance to germs, but triclosan inhibits our ability to do so.

Next Steps

During Earth Week, go into your bathroom and put every single cosmetic and personal care product you use out on the counter. Deodorants, mascara, shampoo, body lotion, foundation, blush, acne treatment, insect repellent, sunless tanning lotion, antiaging cream…put it all out where you can see it and get the full scope of what you’re buying and applying.

You should notice two things:

First, there may beat least 20 products you put on your body almost every day, and as many as 40 you use regularly!

Second, many of those products are “doubles,” in the sense that you may be using two or more products at the same time, when one would do just fine.

Weed out the doubles. Do you need a face cleanser, a face toner, a face serum and a skin “brightener?” Wouldn’t it be just fine to wash your face, put on a little lotion and then whatever make-up you feel you need?

Speaking of make-up, do you need lotion, foundation, blush AND bronzer? Since so many foundations have lotion in them and so many bronzers add blush to your cheeks, can you just use those two?

Look at everything you use and get rid of the doubles (or triples).

Now, check ingredients. Again, put everything aside that contains phthalates, synthetic fragrances, parabens and triclosan.

If that gets rid of just about everything you use, don’t worry. You can get started on a new path to using fewer but healthier products as soon as you clean out the cupboard.

You can find safer products at most food coops, online, and at health food stores. Care2 has also pulled together lots of recommendations. Check out these posts to help you set up a better beauty and health regimen.

Get the Lead Out of Your Lipstick
12 Non-toxic Nail Polish Brands
Good Scents: Natural Perfumes
DIY Deodorant Recipe That Works

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are solely those of the author and may not reflect those of Care2, Inc., its employees or advertisers.

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Earth Week Daily Action: Eliminate 3-5 Toxic Personal Care Products

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