Friday Cat Blogging – 26 April 2013

Mother Jones

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I’m told that this quilt is an Amish pattern and uses Amish colors. However, it’s the one quilt in the house that Marian didn’t make herself (she won it as a door prize, I think), so we’re not sure. In any case, the colors are so Domino-like that you might not even know she was there if I hadn’t used Photoshop to brighten her eyes a bit.

Now then. Do you love Domino? Of course you do! Do you want me to continue Friday catblogging? Yes you do. Are you afraid I might stop if you don’t help us out with our fundraiser this week? Maybe just a little afraid? I’m not saying I would stop, mind you. That would be wrong. I’m just saying.

Seriously, though: we do a lot of great journalism here at Mother Jones, and reader donations are a pretty important part of what keeps us going. If you can afford a few dollars, now’s the time to make a contribution. Here are the links:

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Thanks in advance. Believe me, your donations will be well spent.

Original article – 

Friday Cat Blogging – 26 April 2013

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