Fuels America Celebrates Labor Day


Fuels America Celebrates Labor Day

Posted 28 August 2014 in


This weekend, Americans across the country will celebrate the achievements of American workers — including the workers that support the US biofuels industry.

Since the passage of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) in 2005, the renewable fuel industry has grown by leaps and bounds. Today the renewable fuel sector supports more than 850,000 jobs and generates $46.2 billion in wages annually in the United States. Altogether, the biofuels sector creates $184.5 billion each year in total economic activity for the United States — amazing progress in just a few short years.

But these numbers don’t represent the full picture. With more than 840 facilities supporting renewable fuel production, distribution, and research throughout the country, this growing industry supports workers in cities and states from coast-to-coast. Did you know that:

In Iowa, the biofuels industry supports more than 73,371 jobs and $5.0 billion in wages each year.
In Nebraska, the biofuels industry supports 39,629 jobs, and $2.9 billion in wages annually.
In Colorado, the biofuels industry supports 10,619 jobs and $642.2 million in wages each year.
In Michigan, the biofuels industry supports 22,794 jobs and $1.1 billion in wages annually.
In California, the biofuels industry supports 59,665 jobs and $3.7 billion in wages each year.
In New Hampshire, the biofuels industry supports 2,156 jobs and $138.7 million in wages annually.
In North Carolina, the biofuels industry supports 13,687 jobs and $692.9 million in wages each year.

As the Obama Administration prepares to issue the 2014 Renewable Fuel Standard, it’s important to know that the renewable fuels sector supports billions in economic activity across our country — thanks in no small part to investments in the biofuels industry made possible by the Renewable Fuel Standard.

Find out how the biofuels industry impacts your community — read our economic report.

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Fuels America Celebrates Labor Day

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