Go Green With These Simple Tips And Techniques

Now, more than ever, people are concerned about the energy we use in this society. Green energy tips are being sought out, more and more. Being “green” not only saves the environment, but it also can save you money in the long run. Continue reading for some great tips to make your life greener.

A good energy saving tip for those of us who enjoy cooking is, to use an appropriately sized burned on the stove. Using a large burner with a small pot or pan is simply a waste of heat, and energy as much of the heat escapes to the surrounding air.

When you can, take showers rather than baths. Running a bath uses up to 40% more water than a shower does, which means more energy is being used and your water bill will sky rocket. If you insist in using a bath, let it fill up and then turn the water off.

Choose a green gas source to heat your home. This type of gas has a net zero impact on changes to the climate on our planet. You can often purchase this type of gas directly from your electric company, though you will pay a premium to do so. The benefits to the environment can be worth the extra cost though, and the more people who subscribe the less expensive this option will become.

Don’t try to install a wind generator on a small piece of property. First of all, you’ll likely get complaints from the neighbors, as an efficient wind turbine needs to be at least 30 feet off the ground. Secondly, you need about an acre of land in order to ensure an unobstructed prevailing wind.

One way to help with reducing energy is by using solar panels in your home. Solar energy harnesses the power from the sun which is then used to provide energy to things like getting hot water, drying clothes and keeping your home warm during the winter. Solar energy is also pollution free and helps to lower the carbon footprint along with other greenhouse gases and terrible emissions.

Upgrading the windows on your home can go a long way with saving your money on energy costs. If you do not have energy efficient windows on your home, you could be paying an extra ten to twenty-five percent on your energy bill each and every month. Think about what kind of difference that could make if you upgrade your windows in conjunction with other energy-saving steps.

A great tip to help save energy is to utilize daylight in your house. Rather than turning on your lights during the day, open up your shades, and let the sun naturally light up your home. You may even want to consider installing a skylight to really help illuminate your home.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, keep the windows open in your home instead of using your air conditioning. One of the biggest energy users in your home is your air-conditioning system, and by keeping it on too often, you are going to spend a lot of money on your electricity bill.

Now that you’ve read a little about how to use green energy, you should have a few ideas in your head to make your home more green. Use the ideas in this article to get you started, and to give you concrete actions you can take today to make sure you are living green.

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