Maintaining green energy in the home does not have to be difficult, and has numerous benefits for you and your family! Simply by installing a programmable thermostat or turning off the lights when you leave a room can help. Read this article for more tips on how to use green energy!
If you are still using a more traditional source of energy, invest in a programmable thermostat. This will let you pre-set your temperatures for both day and night times. This leads to savings in both money and energy as during the night many people allow their homes to cool down via the natural decrease in temperature.
Try setting the air conditioning to run just one degree Celsius warmer during the summer and one degree Celsius cooler during the winter. You will not even notice this difference in temperature, and you’ll save a lot of money and energy. In addition, the amount of carbon being used will decrease by around 14%.
Turn your computer off when you are not using it. This includes anything connected to the computer, such as the printer. When these are on, even if in hibernate mode, they are drawing electricity. When you are done browsing or working, turn off the computer and turn off the strip plug to save electrical energy.
Consider hiring an energy consultant to do an evaluation of your home, prior to investing any time or money on green energy projects that may not be viable long term. A knowledgeable energy professional will be able to tell you which green technologies are most suitable to your home and the land it is on. Failure to know this information in advance may result in future disappointments and considerable financial losses.
Are you still using oil heat? You could switch to a greener solution without replacing your furnace. Find a qualified technician to inspect your system and make sure you can switch to a biofuel. Biofuels are non-toxic, degradable and renewable sources of energy that you will be able to re-use.
Don’t throw away that coffee grinds- use them to fertilize your plants. Coffee grinds are rich in nitrogen so these make great, healthy plant food. Using coffee grinds as fertilizer keeps them out of the landfill, makes it unnecessary for you to purchase and use chemical plant food, and make your plants grow nicely, adding oxygen to the atmosphere.
Switch plates and outlets are a necessary evil when it comes to holes that may cause energy or heat loss. That said, you can reduce the amount of energy lost through such openings by installing foam gaskets behind their face plates and then by sealing their edges with a quick application of caulk.
Take advantage of the sun by installing solar panels on your roof. These panels will harvest the energy from the sun and convert it into usable power for your home. Most energy companies will purchase any excess power that is created. You will discover at the least, a reduction in your power bill each month.
Whatever your reasons for wanting to go green, stick with them! Saving money is in everyone’s interest, as is working for a cleaner environment. Hopefully, you have learned enough from this article to begin putting green energy to work in your home, to see significant savings and feel better about the impact you have on the environment very soon.
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