Here’s a Sneak Preview of the Upcoming Republican Health Care Plan

Mother Jones

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Seven years after they first promised an alternative health care proposal, Republicans now say they’re close. “Give us a little time, another month or so,” Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) told reporters this week. Steve Benen is unimpressed:

The problem probably isn’t dishonesty. In all likelihood, Republicans would love to have a health care plan of their own — no one likes to appear ridiculous while breaking promises — but haven’t because they don’t know how to craft one.

Not true! They know exactly how to craft one. In fact, I’ve seen a leak of their upcoming plan. Here it is:

Block granting of Medicaid
Tort reform
Interstate purchase of health plans
High-risk pools
Tax breaks for buying individual coverage
Health savings accounts

None of this would have much effect on the health care market, and it would probably fall about 19 million short of covering the 20 million people currently covered by Obamacare. That’s why they don’t want to unveil it. They know what they want, and they know how to craft it, but they still don’t know how to make up a plausible set of lies about how it will do anybody any good. As soon as they figure that part out, they’ll go public the next day.

Original article: 

Here’s a Sneak Preview of the Upcoming Republican Health Care Plan

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