Mother Jones
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In the midst of Trumpmania, it’s good to see that some things never change. Here is Scott Walker today:
Americans are struggling to cope with the fall in today’s markets driven in part by China’s slowing economy and the fact that they actively manipulate their economy….massive cyberattacks….militarization of the South China Sea….economy….persecution of Christians….There’s serious work to be done rather than pomp and circumstance. We need to see some backbone from President Obama on U.S.-China relations.
China bashing is the little black dress of presidential campaigns: always appropriate, always in style.
Of course, Donald “China is killing us!” Trump got there before Walker. And more than that: he not only bashed China, but was able to claim that he’d been warning of this all along. If only we’d sent Carl Icahn over there from the start, things would be OK today.
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