Maybe Quantum Physics Can Explain How An Object Can Be So Hot and Cool at the Same Time

Mother Jones

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Canada (a country to our north) has a prime minister (a sort of president-type person) who is very handsome (sexually appealing). People like (like like) him because he says charming things and is liberal.

So anyway Justin Trudeau was visiting some chalkboard factory or something and a reporter jokingly asked him to explain quantum computing thinking that har har no way could the attractive liberal president type person answer this question but them BAM he did answer it.

This is pretty great and everything but FYI the United States also has a very handsome liberal president-type person and he did this years ago.

Your move, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.

Originally posted here: 

Maybe Quantum Physics Can Explain How An Object Can Be So Hot and Cool at the Same Time

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