Mother Jones
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Good news, ed geeks! The 2013 NAEP scores for reading and math are out today. Here’s the executive summary: math scores are up 1 point since 2011 for both 4th and 8th graders. Reading scores are up 2 points for 8th graders and are flat for 4th graders.
I’ll probably dig into this in more detail later, but for now here’s a quick taste. The table below shows the 8th grade math results for all states. It’s sorted by black scores, so you can see which states seem to do the best job of educating their black students. If you want to know how or why some states do better than others, I have no answers for you right now. This is just raw data. Enjoy.
UPDATE: Sorry, I screwed up and posted 4th grade scores instead of 8th grade scores. It’s been corrected now.
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New NAEP Scores Show Continued Improvement in American Schools