Pet Peeve Watch: I. Am. Not. A. Guest.

Mother Jones

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Yet another store has been hacked, losing data on millions of credit and debit cards. This time the victim was Target, but it could have been anyone. Once again, corporate America has demonstrated that it couldn’t care less about customer security and privacy.

But you already knew that. Instead, I’m curious whether I’m alone in hating, hating, hating this particular euphemism from Target’s CEO:

Target’s first priority is preserving the trust of our guests and we have moved swiftly to address this issue, so guests can shop with confidence. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.

I. Am. Not. A. Guest. A guest is someone I invite into my home and ply with free food and drink. Because, you know, they’re my guest. Target doesn’t do that. They sell me stuff. I pay for it. (Probably with cash from now on.) I can complain about poor service. I can return stuff I don’t like. I can choose what I want to buy and what I don’t. That makes me a customer. Not. A. Guest.

So knock it off.

See original article – 

Pet Peeve Watch: I. Am. Not. A. Guest.

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