READ: New Chris Christie Bridge Scandal Documents Released

Mother Jones

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On Friday, the New Jersey legislature released hundreds of pages of documents relating to Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s George Washington Bridge scandal. The documents are divided into seven exhibits, A-G. Read them here (we will add exhibits as they become available; the state legislature’s website is currently overloaded):

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

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sidebar: false,
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Exhibit B (PDF)

Exhibit B (Text)

Exhibit C:

width: 630,
height: 700,
sidebar: false,
pdf: false,
container: “#DV-viewer-1004269-10-jan-14-christie-bridge-docs-exhibit-c”

10 Jan 14 Christie Bridge Docs – Exhibit C (PDF)

10 Jan 14 Christie Bridge Docs – Exhibit C (Text)

Exhibit D:

width: 630,
height: 600,
sidebar: false,
container: “#DV-viewer-1004442-exhibit-d”

Exhibit D (PDF)

Exhibit D (Text)

Exhibit E:

width: 630,
height: 700,
sidebar: false,
container: “#DV-viewer-1004277-10-jan-2014-christie-bridge-docs-exhibit-e”

10 Jan 2014 Christie Bridge Docs – Exhibit E (PDF)

10 Jan 2014 Christie Bridge Docs – Exhibit E (Text)

Exhibit F:

 width: 640,
  height: 700,
  sidebar: false,
  text: false,
  pdf: false,
  container: “#DV-viewer-1004271-10-jan-2014-christie-bridge-docs-exhibit-f”

Exhibit G:

 width: 640,
  height: 700,
  sidebar: false,
  text: false,
  pdf: false,
  container: “#DV-viewer-1004274-10-jan-2014-christie-bridge-docs-exhibit-g”

This article: 

READ: New Chris Christie Bridge Scandal Documents Released

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