Rum promoter won’t be allowed to hold shark-killing tournament

Rum promoter won’t be allowed to hold shark-killing tournament

A tame shark in the Dominican Republic.

From the Associated Press:

A popular rum promoter is drawing the ire of environmentalists for his plan to hold a shark-hunting tournament in the Dominican Republic similar to one he organized after the release of the movie “Jaws.” …

The newspaper Listin Diario recently quoted [promoter Newton] Rodriguez as saying that the country’s tourism industry suffered and people grew afraid of sharks after the blockbuster hit “Jaws” was released in 1975, leading him to organize a shark hunt a year later.

Well, idiot, first of all they already killed that shark in Jaws (via explosion) so you don’t need to worry about that. Second, a number of shark species are already endangered. Third, some 73 million sharks a year are slaughtered, many to fuel the sketchy trade in shark fins as phony medicinal treatment.

The Dominican Republic’s natural resources minister has happily kiboshed Rodriguez’s plan, though I’m not entirely certain that, in his wisdom, he’d even bother to apply for a permit.

As a public service, we figured we’d let you know the name of the rum Rodriguez promotes. It is: Barcelo. You’ll want to avoid it, given that aficionados clearly run the risk of damage to both the heart and the brain.


Activists slam Dominican shark hunting tournament, Associated Press

Philip Bump writes about the news for Gristmill. He also uses Twitter a whole lot.

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Rum promoter won’t be allowed to hold shark-killing tournament

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