September Is Here! Time for Republicans to Get … Um … Something About Donald Trump.

Mother Jones

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It’s September! Hooray! The kids are back in school and Donald Trump’s reign over the silly season will soon be coming to an end. Finally, we can start to get serious about choosing our next presi—

Wait. WTF? Trumpmentum’s sagging fortunes have turned around? He’s now even further in the lead? Well crap.

The Republican field really needs to get its act together. They can’t go on being afraid of him because he’s “tapping into something real,” or whatever the latest excuse is. It’s time for some nuclear-level attack ads. The problem, I assume, is that everybody in the race wants someone else to waste their money attacking Trump, so they’re all left in a weird kind of prisoner’s dilemma where no one is willing to go first. They better figure out soon that this is a losing strategy.

Oh well. The higher they go, the farther they fall. Amirite?


September Is Here! Time for Republicans to Get … Um … Something About Donald Trump.

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