Mother Jones
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As promised, here’s our local crop of Canada goose babies. First up, this is one of the goslings that we originally saw a few weeks ago. As you can see, he’s going through those traumatic teenage weeks. But I’m sure he’ll get over it and grow up to be a majestic, honking adult:
And here comes the brand new crop of babies:
Aren’t they adorable? But I’ll tell you something: I’ll never complain about photographing the cats again. These little guys are hard. You can’t get too close or else the mama geese get upset. So that means using the longest zoom setting on the camera. And these goslings zigzag along relentlessly. Keeping them in focus and in the middle of the viewfinder is tricky business. But I succeeded a few times:
Here’s a couple of them taking a (very) short break from the grueling task of eating whatever it is they’re eating.
Finally, breakfast is over and it’s nap time under the watchful eye of mama.
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