Tag Archives: arab

Israel and Palestine Would Make $173 Billion If They Stopped Fighting Today

Mother Jones

There are many reasons to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. According to a recent study, there might even be 173 billion reasons.

Researchers at the Rand Corporation’s Center for Middle East Public Policy recently mounted a study to determine the net economic costs and benefits of various alternatives in the Middle East over the next ten years. They looked at five possible scenarios: a two state solution; a coordinated unilateral withdrawal of 60,000 Israelis from much of the West Bank, with 75 percent of the cost covered by the international community and 25 percent of the bill footed by Israel; an uncoordinated unilateral withdrawal, in which only 30,000 Israeli settlers leave the West Bank and Israel bankrolls the withdrawal completely; nonviolent Palestinian resistance to Israel through boycotts of Israeli products in the region, and diplomatic efforts in the UN; and a violent Palestinian uprising beginning Gaza, with the potential to spread to the West Bank and involve players like Hezbollah.

The study asserts that the two-state solution is most profitable, and could allow Israel to gain $123 billion by 2024. Assuming that an agreement is reached and Israel retreats to the 1967 borders (save for agreed-upon swapped territories), 100,000 Israeli settlers relocated from the West Bank to Israel, Palestinian trade and travel restrictions are lifted, and up to 600,000 refugees are returned to their homes in the West Bank and Gaza, the changes in “direct and opportunity costs”—among them a projected 20 percent increase in tourism and a 150 percent increase in Palestinian trade—would be immediate boons. The peace would bring the cessation of Arab country trade sanctions and with it, a raise of Israel’s GDP by $23 billion over what it would have been under the status quo. Palestine would pocket over $50 billion under these conditions. Palestinians would see an average per capita income increase of approximately 36 percent. Under such a peace accord, Israelis would experience a 5 percent increase in income.

Conversely, the study found that “a return to violence would have profoundly negative economic consequences for both Palestinians and Israelis.” Specifically, it estimates that per capita GDP would fall by 46 percent in Gaza and the West Bank, and by 10 percent in Israel.

The study was posted with an interactive calculator that allows users to estimate GDP increases and decreases with changes in the Israeli defense budget or an influx of Palestinian workers in Israel.

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Israel and Palestine Would Make $173 Billion If They Stopped Fighting Today

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Book Review: "Bringing Down Gaddafi" by Andrei Netto

Mother Jones

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Bringing Down Gaddafi

By Andrei Netto


Andrei Netto snuck into Libya in 2011, during the heady days of the Arab Spring, and found rebels of “noble, almost poetic aspirations.” He stayed long enough to see the revolution’s moral downfall, culminating in the execution of deposed dictator Moammar Gaddafi. This riveting account is a tale of mercenaries and freedom fighters, corrupt politicians, and war crimes on all sides. But Netto also highlights the humanity of the civilians caught in the middle, and their ongoing struggle for a stable and peaceful nation.


Book Review: "Bringing Down Gaddafi" by Andrei Netto

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Why This Summer Could Be the Arab Summer

Mother Jones

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This story first appeared on the TomDispatch website.

Three and a half years ago, the world was riveted by the massive crowds of youths mobilizing in Cairo’s Tahrir Square to demand an end to Egypt’s dreary police state. We stared in horror as, at one point, the Interior Ministry mobilized camel drivers to attack the demonstrators. We watched transfixed as the protests spread from one part of Egypt to another and then from country to country across the region. Before it was over, four presidents-for-life would be toppled and others besieged in their palaces.

Some 42 months later, in most of the Middle East and North Africa, the bright hopes for more personal liberties and an end to political and economic stagnation championed by those young people have been dashed. Instead, a number of Arab countries have seen counter-revolutions, while others are engulfed in internecine conflicts and civil wars, creating Mad Max-like scenes of post-apocalyptic horror. But keep one thing in mind: the rebellions of the past three years were led by Arab millennials, twentysomethings who have decades left to come into their own. Don’t count them out yet. They have only begun the work of transforming the region.

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Why This Summer Could Be the Arab Summer

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How Will Ferrell, Patton Oswalt, and Others Are Trying to Free an American Jailed in UAE

Mother Jones

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This week, Funny or Die—Will Ferrell and Adam McKay’s comedy website—posted the video (above) in support of Shezanne “Shez” Cassim, an American citizen, former Minnesota resident, and consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers‘ Dubai office, who has been jailed in the United Arab Emirates since April. His crime? Posting his comedy video to YouTube in 2012. The 19-minute video parodies a clique of wannabe-gangster teens in Dubai who take their cues from hip-hop. This earned the 29-year-old amateur comedian a stay at a maximum-security prison in Abu Dhabi, where he awaits his next hearing on December 16. He and eight friends are accused of endangering the Arab country’s security under a newly enacted federal cyber-crimes law. (Here’s where the UAE government stands on other human rights issues, by the way.)

Funny or Die’s video compiles cell phone videos recorded by Ferrell, McKay, Bob Odenkirk, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and other celebrities. “If you start putting people in jail for making videos that you don’t like, then you’re going to have to lock up the The Polyphonic Spree, and that’s no fun for anybody,” says comedian and actor Patton Oswalt. “I’m in a show about politics, and some of our stories are pretty crazy, but even we wouldn’t do a story about a guy being put in jail for eight months because he expressed himself through comedy,” says Tony Hale, of HBO political satire Veep. “It’s one thing to have a bad sense of humor,” says McKay. “It’s another thing to lock people up because of it.”

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How Will Ferrell, Patton Oswalt, and Others Are Trying to Free an American Jailed in UAE

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