Tag Archives: boston ma solar energy

Solar Power Is Being Utilized More Frequently

There has been an upsurge of interest in alternative power sources in the last decade. It is no longer out of reach of the average homeowner. A roof full of photovoltaic panels in a moderate to hot climate can provide all the power needed in the home, with some left over. Solar energy is free to use after the initial investment.

When PV panels generate electricity, they do not also generate harmful gas to pollute the environment. The installation can remain functional for twenty to twenty five years. That longevity justifies the initial investment.

The cost is being reduced and will continue to go down. Therefore solar energy boston ma and other locations has a sunny future. The photovoltaic panels produce electricity in a direct way. The maintenance costs are low.

It is a quiet and unobtrusive method of powering an entire household. In many large cities noise is a problem. For example, windmills are noisy. When the houses are on small lots and close together, noise might be a problem. It can prevent a good nights sleep.

There are government subsidies available for some installations. There may be a cash rebate or a savings on taxes. Due to everyones interest in saving money, more and more homeowners are planning to acquire the technology.

In boston solar energy can be collected on panels installed on the roof or on the ground. They are easy to install. Plus, they do not have any moving parts.

The downside is that on days when the sun is not shining, alternate sources may be required. Most homeowners will be on a grid to obtain it from that source on cloudy days. It serves as a backup to make sure they have adequate electricity on cloudy days.

If you convert direct electricity to alternating electricity, inverters must be added to the system. If the homeowner wants a continuous supply, Inverters and storage batteries are both required. Since the panels are somewhat delicate, extra insurance may be needed in case of damage.

When solar power, sunlight, reaches the Earth, only about 50 percent is absorbed. The amount that is reflected back into space is approximately 30 percent. Any amount of power from the sun is that much less that must be produced using fossil fuels.

Each 10 kw photovoltaic panel can generate approximately 17,000 kwh on an annual basis. That prevents 7 metric tons of carbon dioxide from being dissipated into the air. It is as much as 2.3 cars emit each year.

Another way of stating it is that the 17,000 kw are the equivalent of CO2 emissions from the energy used in a home in one year. You can also think of it as equal to the CO2 that results when 27.3 barrels of oil are burned.

Energy from the sun can be stored as thermal energy to heat hot water for example. It can be used for cooling as in air conditioning and space heating. It can function to heat under-floor heating elements.

Even children can understand the benefits of replacing sun power for fossil fuel whenever possible. Their future and the future of their children will be greatly enhanced by the further development of solar power. PV storage units are an ever-growing item to preserve and improve our environment.

To take advantage of solar energy Boston residents should first review the posts online. If you are interested in installing solar panels on your roof, simply contact us today via http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJaYk8QQbRU&list=PLLZmhGXTTVAfbygFC8xkQF5EDsTMWDYKQ.

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