Tag Archives: brady

One Important Suicide Fact That Nobody Is Talking About

Mother Jones

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We hear about gun violence in blips: The latest mass shooting or grizzly homicide brings national attention and calls to action, and then the issue falls under the radar. It’s easy to forget that two-thirds of gun deaths aren’t high-profile homicides, but suicides—happening quietly, at a rate of one every 25 minutes.

Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence

A new report by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, a gun safety advocacy group, delivers sobering stats based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and academic journal articles—perhaps the most eye-opening being that keeping a firearm at home increases the risk of suicide by three times. A whopping 82 percent of teens who commit suicide with a gun are using a family member’s firearm.

Guns are a particularly effective means of suicide precisely because they are so lethal: Of those who attempt suicide by firearm, nine in 10 succeed. By contrast, only one in 50 overdose attempts result in death. The lethality is compounded by impulsivity: The majority of suicide attempts occur less than an hour after the decision is made to commit suicide.

One common argument of the gun lobby is that suicidal individuals will find a way to take their lives—if they don’t die by gun, they’ll do it by some other means. But the reality is that 90 percent of those who fail in a suicide attempt do not end up dying by suicide. With guns, though, not many get a second chance.

Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence

Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence

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One Important Suicide Fact That Nobody Is Talking About

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Top Gun Rights Group Backs White Supremacist’s Supreme Court Case

Mother Jones

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Samuel Johnson isn’t exactly a lawyer’s dream client. He’s a white supremacist with a lengthy rap sheet who a couple years ago was accused of plotting an attack on a Mexican consulate. He ended up drawing a 15-year prison term on a gun charge, and his case is now on his way to the US Supreme Court, which has agreed to hear a challenge to his sentence. Johnson has won the vocal backing of a top gun rights group, but as his case moves forward, it may eventually draw support from some liberals and civil libertarians who oppose harsh mandatory minimum sentences.

Johnson’s story started back in 2010, when he caught the attention of the FBI, not long after he’d started organizing anti-immigration rallies in Minnesota. Initially a member of the National Socialist Movement, a neo-Nazi group, Johnson quit to start his own outfit, the Aryan Liberation Movement. He allegedly planned to support the group by counterfeiting money.

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Top Gun Rights Group Backs White Supremacist’s Supreme Court Case

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Did the Las Vegas Shooting Suspects Obtain Their Guns on Facebook?

Mother Jones

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A month before a married couple allegedly gunned down two police officers and a bystander in Las Vegas, suspect Jerad Miller went on Facebook looking for a gun. Any gun would do, Miller wrote, as long as it worked on the “evil tyrant bastards.”

On May 8, Miller posted the following on Facebook:

Facebook users soon chimed in to help Miller with his request. One person replied, “ak47.” A second asked, “What happened to urs?” A third offered, “What are you looking for.”

Miller replied, “Doesn’t matter, bolt action, semi, anything that can reach out and touch evil tyrant bastards. Idc I don’t care if its a hundred dollar pink 22 rifle lol.”

A fourth person chimed in that the “Gun store has plenty of rifles.” Miller replied, “We broke bro, believe me if we had the money we would be at some of the best gun stores in the country buying what we need. Idc if its a ww2 m4 lol. something for when they call us terrorists, we can defend ourselves.”

A fifth person recognized that the conversation was entering potentially illegal territory, and recommended that Miller hide his identity. “You and I both know that you shouldn’t be using Facebook for this. Get yourself a tor router and be anonymous like the constitution always intended,” the person wrote. Miller replied, “lol im just fucking around.”

But according to authorities, Miller wasn’t “just fucking around”—five people, including Miller and his wife, Amanda, are now dead. While we don’t know if the Millers were successful in obtaining any guns through Facebook, the fact that the post is still up raises questions about how well Facebook’s effort to crack down on illegal gun sales is working. In March, the social network announced that it would start deleting posts that offer to buy or sell guns without background checks. At the time, it wasn’t clear how Facebook planned to enforce the new guidelines. (As of 2012, Miller and his wife were not allowed to own guns because of his criminal record, according to Miller’s post on the conspiracy-peddling website, Infowars.)

“We are sickened to learn that the Las Vegas shooter attempted to obtain a rifle through Facebook. The post has remained live on Facebook for a month, demonstrating the inadequacy of Facebook’s gun policy,” said Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, in a statement. “Facebook continues to make it too easy for dangerous people to find guns and should prohibit gun sales outright.”

In a statement sent to Buzzfeed, a Facebook spokesperson said: “While this online discussion is certainly disturbing in light of recent events, we have not been made aware of any connection to an actual gun transaction offline.”

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Did the Las Vegas Shooting Suspects Obtain Their Guns on Facebook?

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