Tag Archives: coming-out-and

Watch Jon Stewart Try to Get Hillary Clinton to Admit She’s Running For President

Mother Jones

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Hillary Clinton is running for president. She has not officially announced this yet because it’s 2014 and tradition dictates that prospective candidates pretend to “weigh all their options” and “talk about it with their family” for a few years before actually coming out and declaring. Presumably she’ll announce sometime next autumn. Anyway, she’s running for president.

Her most recent non-campaign campaign stop was on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart last night. Clinton came on nominally to talk about her new memoir “Hard Choices” which documents her four years as Secretary of State in the Obama administration. “It’s an incredibly complex and well-reasoned, eyewitness view to the history of those four years,” Stewart begins, “and I think I speak for everybody when I say, no one cares. They just want to know if you’re running for president.”

What followed was a very entertaining game wherein Stewart tried to trick her into betraying her presidential ambitions. (When Stewart asks whether she’d like her next office to come in a particular shape, Clinton replies, “You know, I think that the world is so complicated, the fewer corners that you can have, the better.”)

Watch the whole extended interview. It’s pretty great.


Watch Jon Stewart Try to Get Hillary Clinton to Admit She’s Running For President

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