Tag Archives: condom

As oil buyers pull out of Venezuela, condom prices swell to $755

As oil buyers pull out of Venezuela, condom prices swell to $755

By on 4 Feb 2015commentsShare

A globalized economy is a wacky thing! Por ejemplo: The fact that you were able to fill up your gas tank for $20 this morning means that there’s a couple in Caracas that’s stewing in sexual frustration.

In Venezuela, where the highly oil-dependent economy shrunk by 2.8 percent in 2014 — and is expected to contract another 7 percent this year — inflation has skyrocketed and grocery store shelves are empty. All the essentials have become perilously scarce — like food, medicine, and contraceptives. Yes, ma’am — a pack of condoms in Caracas will now run you upwards of $700. I’ll wait while you contemplate which you would choose: safe sex or rent?

First of all: Can you imagine the performance anxiety that comes with that kind of price tag? I’m sweating just thinking about it. But it’s much more likely that couples will forego the protection than shell out for safety — can you blame them? — and that’s where the real problems lie. From Bloomberg:

The impact of reduced access to contraceptives is far graver than frustration over failed hookups. Venezuela has one of South America’s highest rates of HIV infection and teenage pregnancy. Abortion is illegal.

The cruel irony here is that Venezuela, the fourth-largest producer of imported crude oil and petroleum, has not a single factory to produce condoms, many of which are made from petroleum-based polymers — despite promises from President Nicolás Maduro to create a network of condom factories to “protect Venezuela’s youth from the effects of ‘capitalist pornography.’” All puns aside (I swear), this is fucked.

The $755 Condom Pack Is the Latest Indignity in Venezuela

, Bloomberg Business.



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As oil buyers pull out of Venezuela, condom prices swell to $755

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What’s It Like To Run a Condom Company?

Mother Jones

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During her time documenting natural disasters as a Red Cross photojournalist, Talia Frenkel saw first-hand the devastating effects of HIV and AIDS in Africa. She wanted to help combat this preventable disease, so in 2010, she created a women’s health company with a mission: For every L. Condom purchased in the United States, the company donates one condom to a person in the developing world. L. also employs HIV-positive women in Swaziland—they design wrappers for the condoms and package them. Meanwhile, business in the United States is booming: L. has rolled out bike delivery service in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Manhattan. Next up: an app that offers foreplay tips while you wait for your condoms to arrive, and expanding into other women’s healthcare products. I spoke with Frenkel about weird condom additives, being perceived as “shady” because of her job, and how L. distributes condoms to women who need them most.

Mother Jones: What’s the most surprising thing that you’ve learned working in the condom business?

Talia Frenkel, founder of the condom company L. Image courtesy of Talia Frenkel

Talia Frenkel: Most packaged consumer goods companies are actually owned by men, so there are very few women who are involved in the manufacturing and branding of products that women are predominantly purchasing. I think there’s something really broken about that, when women aren’t being included in the thought process. And the condom industry even more so, right? Me going into the manufacturing facility, I’m like “I’m the CEO, I promise!” It was really hard to be taken seriously at first.

MJ: Would you say that was one of the biggest challenges of starting the company? Being a woman?

TF: Not only not being taken seriously, but being perceived as shady. You tell someone you own a women’s health company and they ask what your product is and you say, “Oh, it’s condoms.” They look at you like you’re a porn star or something. This is a basic woman’s health product that I think every woman should have in her purse. It’s not taboo to carry a birth control pill case, but it is with a condom, so I don’t understand why we act like condoms cause promiscuity. Condoms don’t cause promiscuity anymore than umbrellas cause it to rain.

MJ: How did you come up with the idea of one-hour condom delivery via bike messengers?

TF: Condom aisles can be uncomfortable. It’s like you have to make an announcement to the entire store, “Aisle 6, I’m having sex!” They’re not always that easily accessible. We started talking to these messenger groups, and the bike messengers themselves are really ecstatic about it. They like knowing that what they’re doing is involved with a cause. It truly is in line with our values of sustainability by having a low carbon footprint.

MJ: Why is it important to have environmentally friendly and chemical-free condoms?

TF: Our shampoos and conditioners have “paraben-free” on them but our condoms don’t. It’s just crazy. A lot of people have really negative experiences with condoms not knowing why. When you look at it, the complaints about condoms are they smell bad, they taste disgusting, they dry out, they’re physically irritating. All of these issues can actually be addressed in the materials that are being sourced, and then in the manufacturing process. If you look at an L. condom it’s a lot clearer than other products, and has a lower latex odor and taste. We made sure that the products are glycerin- and paraben-free, and don’t contain any potentially harmful additives.

MJ: What makes latex sustainable?

TF: Condoms are typically made from polyurethane or natural rubber latex. Polyurethane is a plastic so it has the environmental issues that all plastics have. But natural latex doesn’t have those issues.

MJ: How do you make sure your condoms get to the people who need them most?

TF: The international development NGO BRAC is one of my favorite organizations because it employs so many women on the ground. They train women as health care providers and they educate them, and they teach them how to teach their peers about basic health products. And then these women go out from community to community, and they sell products like condoms at the low market cost. By doing that, they are making a living wage for themselves, they become breadwinners in their families and their communities, and they have more of a say in making decisions, such as negotiating condom use.

MJ: The one-for-one model has its critics: Some people say that well-meaning businesses don’t do their research about what people in the developing world actually need.

TF: Every community needs access to contraception, and in Africa this is the most basic tool for fighting the HIV epidemic. Something that was important for me coming into this was speaking to the local program officers, asking them where their needs were, and telling them we’re not coming in and dropping off our product without communication. For example, in Haiti they wanted a new condom because they had tried different condoms and weren’t happy with the brands they were distributing, so they wanted to try L. They also wanted the packaging and art from HIV-positive women to help with removing the stigma. But in Uganda, they said “we’ve been socially marketing a product, we’ve had good momentum and progress, we don’t want to start distributing a new brand of condoms right now.” I said okay, tell me which brand you want to distribute, let’s identify it, and we’ll support the purchase of that product. We’re not Coca-Cola here trying to get our brand into Africa. We’re here to support their work. We’re not disrupting the local condom seller.

MJ: Have you encountered any type of resistance in the countries where you distribute condoms? Is any part of your distributing condoms perceived as controversial?

TF: We’ve obviously encountered some of the stigma and taboo, hearing comments like using a condom is eating candy with the wrapper on. You also hear things like that in America. We talk about how we can overcome those barriers to condom usage, but for the most part we’ve been really overwhelmed with how incredible these programs have been, and how eager the women are to educate their peers. That has been inspiring and humbling.

Read this article: 

What’s It Like To Run a Condom Company?

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