Tag Archives: diet & nutrition

9 Surprising Health Benefits of Gardening

Gardening can play a significant role in a healthy lifestyle ? and not just because of any fruits and vegetables you grow. Even if you don?t have the greenest thumbs, you still can enjoy the benefits. Here are nine surprising ways gardening can boost your health.

1. It uplifts your mood

A growing body of research has linked being around nature to stress relief and an overall improved mood. And it seems gardening falls under that category. A study on gardening and stress had participants complete a stressful task before assigning them either to 30 minutes of gardening or 30 minutes of indoor reading. Both groups experienced drops in their cortisol levels (the stress hormone), but the gardening group had much more significant decreases. Plus, gardening managed to restore the participants? positive moods after the stress task had brought them down, but reading did not. ?These findings provide the first experimental evidence that gardening can promote relief from acute stress,? the study says.

2. It can strengthen your immune system

Credit: anurakpong/Getty Images

More research is demonstrating how playing in the dirt can be good for your health. A study on immunity found evidence to support the notion that exposure to microbes, especially at a young age, helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent diseases. And another study from Johns Hopkins Medicine corroborates those findings. It found that early exposure to dirt, dander and germs can lower a person?s risk of allergies and asthma. Just remember that dirt also might contain bacteria and parasites that can make you sick. So avoid touching your face with dirty hands, and wash them as soon as you?re done gardening.

3. It promotes brain health

Gardening also has the potential to improve your brain health. A study on dementia recruited 2,805 people age 60 and older who had no known cognitive impairments and followed them for 16 years. Ultimately, there were 115 men (out of 1,233) and 170 women (out of 1,572) who developed dementia during that time. But the researchers noted that those who engaged in daily gardening lowered their risk of developing dementia by 36 percent. In comparison, daily walks dropped the dementia risk by 38 percent for men, but interestingly there wasn?t a ?significant prediction? for women.

4. It?s good exercise

Gardening may help you relax, but it?s also a pretty good workout. Cleveland Clinic qualifies gardening as ?moderate? exercise ? akin to walking or riding your bike, depending on the intensity. And research has catalogued several health benefits of gardening, especially for older adults. A study on seniors found daily physical activity, including gardening, cut their risk of a heart attack or stroke by up to 30 percent, as well as prolonged their lives. And another study on gardening and older adults concluded that gardening was an ideal way for seniors to stay in shape. It specifically helped them maintain their hand strength and dexterity. Plus, at any age, caring for something that?s living can be a helpful motivator to get up and move.

5. It helps you eat healthier

Credit: Jurgute/Getty Images

According to Harvard Medical School, gardening can play a helpful role in maintaining a healthy diet. Just by the nature of what you grow, it can lead you to eat more fruits and vegetables. You also can prevent unhealthy fertilizers and pesticides from getting in your food. And you get to enjoy the benefits of freshly picked produce. ?Vegetables that ripen in the garden have more nutrients than some store-bought vegetables that must be picked early,? Harvard Medical School says. Plus, a study on gardening and diets found people who gardened when they were children were likely to eat more fruits and vegetables later in life. So put those little green thumbs to work.

6. It can be a positive social activity

Social interaction is important for your health and well-being in many ways. ?Adults with strong social support have a reduced risk of many significant health problems, including depression, high blood pressure and an unhealthy body mass index,? Mayo Clinic says. Plus, a social group can give you a sense of belonging, help you cope with trauma and encourage you to make positive choices. And if you?re an avid gardener, working in a community garden might be the perfect fit. One study found people participating in community gardens had significantly lower BMIs ? as well as a lower risk of becoming overweight or obese ? than others in their neighborhoods who didn?t garden. The researchers also found some of the benefits extended to the gardeners? families, as well.

7. It exposes you to vitamin D

We all need vitamin D ? from the sun and our diets ? to keep our bodies healthy. And though it?s important to be careful about exposing your skin to the sun, gardening still is a prime way to keep your vitamin D at an optimal level. A study on vitamin D deficiency found regular gardening (as well as outdoor cycling) lowered the likelihood that older adults ? whose skin often has more trouble synthesizing vitamin D ? would become deficient. Interestingly, people who engaged in brisk outdoor walks did not experience the same benefit.

8. It?s eco-friendly

Tending to a home garden can be an eco-friendly activity and help to combat climate change. And a healthier planet means better health for all of us. A guide from the National Wildlife Federation offers several tips on environmentally friendly gardening. For instance, it recommends trading your gas-powered lawn tools for electric- or human-powered ones.?Stay away from fertilizers and lawn chemicals?to help prevent water pollution. Plus, be conscientious about what you plant. ?Gardeners can play an important role in minimizing the threat of invasive species expansion by removing invasive plants from the garden and choosing an array of native alternatives,? the National Wildlife Federation says.

9. It gives you a sense of purpose

Credit: elenaleonova/Getty Images

Regardless of whether you have a single plant or an entire field, gardening is an ongoing responsibility. And that can give you a sense of purpose and nourish your spirit. Just ask NASA. To combat feelings of isolation, lower stress and break up monotony, NASA’s Human Research Program has experimented with astronauts growing plants in space. ?The countermeasure to sensory monotony is sensory stimulation,? according to NASA. ?Working with plants provides astronauts visual, tactile and olfactory stimulation, and eventually even salivary stimulation with fresh foods and variety.? And even astronauts ? whose job already is out-of-this-world ? found significant meaning in the work. ?Several astronauts agree that the ability to watch plants grow, and to play a part in their growth, provides a strong connection to something bigger than their immediate surroundings,? NASA says.

Main image credit: AndreaObzerova/Getty Images

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are solely those of the author and may not reflect those of Care2, Inc., its employees or advertisers.

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9 Surprising Health Benefits of Gardening

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Why Regenerative Agriculture is the Future of Food

As we face an ever-growing need to combat climate change, many people around the world are looking at how we produce our food. Agriculture has a strong effect on climate change (and vice versa). While some methods contribute to higher pollution and environmental degradation, others actually have the potential to reverse climate change. And one of those practices is regenerative agriculture.

Defining regenerative agriculture

The Regenerative Agriculture Initiative of California State University, Chico and The Carbon Underground ? in conjunction with several other companies and organizations ? worked together to create a definition for regenerative agriculture. The goal was to give a basic meaning to the relatively new term and to prevent it from being ?watered down,? according to The Carbon Underground.

??Regenerative Agriculture? describes farming and grazing practices that, among other benefits, reverse climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity ? resulting in both carbon drawdown and improving the water cycle,? the definition reads. ?Specifically, Regenerative Agriculture is a holistic land management practice that leverages the power of photosynthesis in plants to close the carbon cycle, and build soil health, crop resilience and nutrient density.?

According to Regeneration International, the objective is to continuously improve the land, ?using technologies that regenerate and revitalize the soil and the environment.? The practice also helps to reduce carbon dioxide emissions ? a key factor in battling climate change. In a nutshell, farmers aim to leave the environment better than when they found it.

Although many of regenerative agriculture?s core tenets are similar to organic farming, the practices are not synonymous. Both farming methods do discourage the use of synthetic chemicals, though regenerative farmers might not necessarily be certified organic. And organic agriculture doesn?t guarantee a carbon drawdown, according to The Carbon Underground. Plus, unlike organic food, there?s no certification yet for regenerative products ? though a pilot program is in the works for farmers who practice regenerative agriculture.

Regenerative agriculture practices

Credit: valentinrussanov/Getty Images

So what exactly do regenerative farmers do? The Regenerative Agriculture Initiative-The Carbon Underground definition lays out four main practices.

1. Contribute to soil building and fertility.

Regenerative agriculture discourages soil tillage. ?Tillage breaks up (pulverizes) soil aggregation and fungal communities while adding excess O2 to the soil for increased respiration and CO2 emission,? the definition document says. Besides carbon loss, it can lead to soil erosion and increased water runoff. Furthermore, farmers increase soil fertility through biological methods, including the use of cover crops, crop rotation, compost and manure. They avoid synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which can create an imbalance in the soil?s microbiome, diminish nutrients and lead to weaker plants.

2. Improve water cleanliness and retention.

Avoiding synthetic chemicals also makes for less water pollution ? another core tenet of regenerative agriculture. Farmers have efficient irrigation systems to optimize water use and prevent contamination. Plus, as farmers work to improve the soil, this increases its ability for water retention. Among many other factors, limiting tillage is one practice that enhances water infiltration and retention.

3. Increase biodiversity, and boost the health of the ecosystem.

Regenerative farmers aim to protect natural ecosystems. ?Building biological ecosystem diversity begins with inoculation of soils with composts or compost extracts to restore soil microbial community population, structure and functionality,? according to the definition document. Again, farmers avoid synthetic chemicals on which plants can become dependent and fail to thrive naturally. They take soil samples to guide them in finding the right nutrient balance. And they use plants to attract beneficial insects.

4. Lessen CO2 emissions by diverting carbon back into the soil.

As regenerative farmers carefully manage their land and promote a healthy, natural ecosystem, it helps to increase carbon in the soil and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Plus, the farmers? avoidance of synthetic chemicals also helps to combat climate change, as they?re often produced using high levels of fossil fuels. As for livestock, regenerative agriculture involves well-managed grazing practices that lead to better land, healthier animals and lower carbon dioxide and methane emissions.

What?s in it for us?

Credit: alle12/Getty Images

Regenerative agriculture offers several benefits to the global population ? and even noticeable ones to us as individuals. These are just a few, according to Regeneration International.

Boosts food?s nutrition

Regenerative agriculture tends to produce healthy, resilient plants. And as consumers, we benefit from this with more nutritious food. The nutrient-dense soil passes on that nourishment to the crops ? and our bodies. Plus, thanks to farmers nurturing the natural ecosystem, it?s better able to filter out pollution and chemicals from our food.

Restores nature

Regenerative agriculture is just that ? regenerative. Its methods help to improve biodiversity, which ?is fundamental to agricultural production and food security, as well as a valuable ingredient of environmental conservation,? according to Regeneration International. Plus, the farmers? grazing strategies work to restore grasslands that have been degraded.

Benefits local economics

Family farmers have taken a key role in regenerative agriculture. These are people who have a strong working knowledge of their local land and how best to sustainably manage it. So support of regenerative agriculture benefits these farmers and their local economies. Plus, keeping them in business means preserving the more traditional, environmentally friendly farming practices that go back generations.

Combats climate change

Agriculture is a major contributor to climate change around the world. ?The current industrial food system is responsible for 44 to 57% of all global greenhouse gas emissions,? Regeneration International says. But regenerative agriculture has the potential to reverse this damage. Not only does it contribute lower emissions than conventional farming, but it has the ability to sequester more carbon in the soil, rather than in our atmosphere.

Feeds the global population

As the global population grows, food production will have to adjust one way or another. Continuing to use conventional farming methods likely would mean more deforestation ? and higher greenhouse gas emissions. But shifting to more widespread use of regenerative agriculture could lessen that blow. Regenerative farming conditions work to naturally protect crops from disease, pests, drought and more. This improves yields without having to add chemicals or other factors that can harm the environment. Thus, it could be a way to sustainably feed the global population for generations to come.

Main image credit: stevanovicigor/Getty Images

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are solely those of the author and may not reflect those of Care2, Inc., its employees or advertisers.

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Why Regenerative Agriculture is the Future of Food

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How to Grow Your Own Spirulina

Spirulina is likely the most nutrient-dense food on the planet. It?s also been shown to have many health benefits. In fact, the United Nations declared spirulina ?the best food for the future? at their World Food Conference in 1974. This is one food that may truly deserve the title of ?superfood.?

You can buy spirulina supplements and powders commercially, although these are often extremely expensive and there may be potential health concerns related to them.

An excellent way to skip the high cost and questionable quality is to grow your own. The process is no harder than keeping a fish aquarium. And you?ll be able to harvest fresh, affordable, ready-to-use spirulina right from your home.


Spirulina is a type of blue-green microalgae that naturally grows in warm, alkaline lakes. It was traditionally eaten by ancient Aztecs and other Mesoamericans as well as many cultures in Africa.

Spirulina is a nearly perfect source of nutrition. Some of its nutritional highlights include:

Contains all essential amino acids, making it a complete protein.
High amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
One of the few known food sources of gamma linoleic acid (GLA), which is needed to regulate your hormone system.
Rich in many B vitamins and vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as iron, magnesium, selenium, potassium and many other minerals.

Due to its outstanding nutritional value, various international organizations currently help to establish small-scale production of spirulina in impoverished communities throughout the world to combat malnutrition and promote local food security. Another benefit of spirulina is that it requires minimal resources to produce. As it grows in water, it doesn?t need fertile land. It doesn?t even need much water because you can reuse the water it grows in.


The equipment you?ll need to grow spirulina is fairly straight-forward. If you want to simplify the process, you can buy spirulina growing kits that come with everything you?ll need. Otherwise, you can gather the following items on your own.

1. Tank

You can grow spirulina in any container, depending on how much spirulina you can use. Good options include a large jar, an aquarium tank or even a pool in your back yard. Spirulina needs light to grow, so it?s best if your container is transparent.

2. Culture Medium

Spirulina only needs water and nutrients to grow. It requires water that is very alkaline with a high pH. You?ll be adjusting the pH yourself (we?ll discuss the process below), so you do not have to use especially high-quality water. You can use water from a creek, brackish water, de-chlorinated tap water or rain water. As long as your water isn?t polluted with heavy metals or other toxins, it should work fine.

3. Spirulina Starter Culture

If you happen to know someone who grows spirulina, you can take a portion of their culture to start your own. You can also check your local health food store or find a company online that sells spirulina culture. It typically comes in a bottle with live spirulina in water.

4. Stirring Device

Spirulina needs to be stirred to maximize light reaching the entire growing culture. You can do this periodically with a stick or long spoon, or install a pump with a bubbler.

5. Harvesting Equipment

You?ll need some kind of screen with a very fine mesh of 50 microns in diameter or less. This is used to strain the spirulina out of the water. Natural silk cloth works well, or some aquarium nets have a fine enough mesh. A large cup is also handy to scoop the water into the mesh.


1. Set Up Your Tank and Starter Medium

Whatever container you?re using for your spirulina, make sure it has good light. Indoors, it can live in front of a window or you can use grow lights above it. Outside, try to position it in a bright area that?s out of direct sun.

Check out the Ice Age Farmer?s great video on setting up your tank and starting your culture below. His recipe for the starter medium nutrient mix is here on his website. You can also buy pre-made starter nutrient mixes online.

2. Check Your pH

The pH of your starter medium should be between 8 and 8.5. Litmus paper is the best way to measure your pH. It can be found at most pharmacies or natural food stores. Dip the litmus paper into your solution for 2 to 3 seconds. Once the color on the litmus paper has changed, compare it to the guide on the box to determine the pH. If the pH is still too low, add more baking soda. If it?s too high, add a bit of vinegar.

3. Add Your Spirulina Culture

Pour your spirulina culture into the starter medium and stir gently. Make sure your starter medium and spirulina culture are both at the same temperature. This helps prevent the spirulina from going into shock at too much of a temperature difference.

4. Water Your Spirulina

Water will naturally evaporate over time, so you?ll need to keep it topped up to the same amount you started with. Otherwise, your pH or nutrients can come out of balance. It?s helpful to make a mark on the side of your container once your starting culture is all done so you can see your initial amount. Then simply keep adding water if you ever see it drop.

5. Keep Your Spirulina Warm

Spirulina is naturally from tropical lakes, so it prefers warm water. It will grow in temperatures between 55 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 38 degrees Celsius), but the ideal temperature is between 89 to 98 degrees Fahrenheit (32 to 37 degrees Celsius). Your spirulina will grow at colder temperatures, it will just be slower. If you want to maximize the growth, consider installing a heater in your water. Just make sure it does not get over 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius), as this will start to kill the spirulina.

6. Enlarge Your Culture if Needed

You can repeat the previous steps to make your culture larger if you?d like. After making your initial culture, wait at least 3 days for the spirulina to grow and establish a good population. You should see the culture becoming greener as the spirulina replicates. Then mix up a new batch of starter medium and add it to your main spirulina culture. You can do this a few times if needed until your container is full.

7. Harvest Your Spirulina

As spirulina grows, the pH of the entire culture will rise. This is the primary reason why it?s typically very safe to eat spirulina, because almost no other organisms can actually live in such alkaline conditions. To ensure your spirulina is safe, wait until the pH of your culture has reached 10 or higher before harvesting it.

After about 3 to 6 weeks of growth, your spirulina should be ready to harvest. And harvesting is as simple as scooping some of the culture?s water out and running it through your mesh cloth or net. The spirulina will collect on the cloth. Gently squeeze out any excess liquid to avoid consuming the alkaline water. You?ll be left with a deep green paste.

8. Feed Your Spirulina

Each time you harvest some spirulina, you?ll need to replenish the nutrients in the main culture. For example, if you take out 1 tablespoon of spirulina, you?ll need to add 1 tablespoon of a nutrient mixture back into to the culture. The Ice Age Farmer has a good nutrient mix on his website, or you can buy a pre-made nutrient mix from spirulina suppliers.


1. Eat It Fresh

Fresh spirulina is much tastier than most store-bought powders. Spirulina growers claim there is no comparison between the two. You can add fresh spirulina to your favorite dishes, spread it on top of fruit or bread, use it as a condiment, mix it into dips and spreads, or simply have a spoonful plain or in juice as often as you like.

2. Preserve It

Fresh spirulina is very delicate and perishable. It should be eaten or preserved within one hour of harvest. It will last about three days in the fridge, and indefinitely when frozen. It can last up to a year when dried.

To dry spirulina, spread it out in a thin layer on a flat surface. It?s best if you can spread it on some kind of net for better air flow, but a baking sheet or something similar will also work. Alternatively, use a nylon bag with a small hole or a large syringe to create thin spirulina ?noodles? to dry.

You can dry your spirulina outside in the sun for about 2 days. You can also use a dehydrator or an oven set on a low heat.

Check out the following recipes for using either fresh or dried spirulina.

Spirulina Tapenade
Spirulina Risotto
Mermaid Toast
Spirulina Cake

Related at Care2

How to Grow Your Own Ginger
How to Grow Your Own Turmeric
How to Grow Your Own Mushrooms

Biologigaragen Spirulina, via Flickr

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are solely those of the author and may not reflect those of Care2, Inc., its employees or advertisers.

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How to Grow Your Own Spirulina

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Healing Foods – DK


Healing Foods


Genre: Diet & Nutrition

Price: $1.99

Publish Date: February 18, 2016

Publisher: DK Publishing

Seller: Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

Take control of your life and your health through what you eat with Healing Foods , an indispensable resource that shows you exactly what foods are best, and how to optimize their super-food potential. With more than 200 healing foods, from carrots to clementines, and 150 easy-to-prepare recipes that heal, Healing Foods empowers readers to practice optimum nutrition, and shows how certain foods can be incorporated into daily life to target specific health issues.

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Healing Foods – DK

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Idiot’s Guides: Optimum Nutrition – Stephanie Green


Idiot’s Guides: Optimum Nutrition

Stephanie Green

Genre: Diet & Nutrition

Price: $1.99

Publish Date: January 12, 2016

Publisher: DK Publishing

Seller: Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

Good overall health always starts with a foundation of good nutrition. However, being bombarded by conflicting nutritional reports, ever-changing confusing nutritional findings, and the latest diets can make it hard to understand how to achieve your optimum nutrition. Idiot's Guides: Optimum Nutrition gives you everything you need to know about nutrients, understanding how they react in your body, and the best way to achieve nutritional benefits. This book covers: * The fundamental basics of nutrition. * Definitions of good/bad fats, good/bad carbs, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and phytonutrients, and how they are used in your body. * The mind/brain/body connection and how nutrition is linked to mental health. * The truth about controversial foods and conflicting nutritional information. * How to understand food labels and nutritional terms, key grocery marketing terms, and genetically modified foods. * Making wise food choices when eating at home or out. * Inclusion of water, fiber, grains, supplements, and super foods. * Popular diets and how they work (low carb, paleo, plant-based, Mediterranean, glycemic index, raw food) * Food allergies versus food intolerances and how to eat with them.

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Idiot’s Guides: Optimum Nutrition – Stephanie Green

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Eat Dirt – Dr. Josh Axe


Eat Dirt

Why Leaky Gut May Be the Root Cause of Your Health Problems and 5 Surprising Steps to Cure It

Dr. Josh Axe

Genre: Diet & Nutrition

Price: $14.99

Publish Date: March 29, 2016

Publisher: Harper Wave

Seller: HarperCollins

Doctor of Natural Medicine and wellness authority Dr. Josh Axe delivers a groundbreaking, indispensable guide for understanding, diagnosing, and treating one of the most discussed yet little-understood health conditions: leaky gut syndrome. Do you have a leaky gut? For 80% of the population the answer is “yes”—and most people don’t even realize it. Leaky gut syndrome is the root cause of a litany of ailments, including: chronic inflammation, allergies, autoimmune diseases, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, diabetes, and even arthritis. To keep us in good health, our gut relies on maintaining a symbiotic relationship with trillions of microorganisms that live in our digestive tract. When our digestive system is out of whack, serious health problems can manifest and our intestinal walls can develop microscopic holes, allowing undigested food particles, bacteria, and toxins to seep into the bloodstream. This condition is known as leaky gut syndrome. In Eat Dirt, Dr. Josh Axe explains that what we regard as modern “improvements” to our food supply—including refrigeration, sanitation, and modified grains—have damaged our intestinal health. In fact, the same organisms in soil that allow plants and animals to flourish are the ones we need for gut health. In Eat Dirt, Dr. Axe explains that it’s essential to get a little “dirty” in our daily lives in order to support our gut bacteria and prevent leaky gut syndrome. Dr. Axe offers simple ways to get these needed microbes, from incorporating local honey and bee pollen into your diet to forgoing hand sanitizers and even ingesting a little probiotic-rich soil. Because leaky gut manifests differently in every individual, Dr. Axe also identifies the five main “gut types” and offers customizable plans—including diet, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations—to dramatically improve gut health in just thirty days. With a simple diet plan, recipes, and practical advice, Eat Dirt will help readers restore gut health and eliminate leaky gut for good.

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Unmasking Superfoods – Jennifer Sygo


Unmasking Superfoods

The Truth and Hype About Acai, Quinoa, Chia, Blueberries and More

Jennifer Sygo

Genre: Diet & Nutrition

Price: $1.99

Publish Date: April 1, 2014

Publisher: HarperCollins

Seller: HarperCollins

It can be overwhelming and frustrating to try to understand the claims about “superfoods.” Do raspberry ketones really help you lose weight? Do blueberries really fight cancer? Are goji berries worth a try? For over five years, Jennifer Sygo has been separating the truth from the hype in her popular National Post column. Now in her first book, she tackles even more superfoods and in more depth. You’ll learn why -the calcium in kale is absorbed as well as the calcium in milk-lentils, chickpeas and beans are not just good for you; when cultivated, they also put important nutrients back into the soil-goji, acai, and noni berries may be more hype than substance-xylitol, a sugar alcohol with a third fewer calories than sugar, could actually help prevent cavities and even ear infections-Sports nutrition (whey protein, chia etc.)- Weight-loss (raspberry ketones etc .)-people who eat avocadoes tend to weigh less than those who don’t-beets might help you run faster—and maybe even perform better in bed In Unmasking Superfoods, Sygo discusses the latest research on the most popular superfoods and offers recommendations on how—or if—you should incorporate these foods into your diet.

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Unmasking Superfoods – Jennifer Sygo

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How Not to Die – Michael Greger, MD & Gene Stone


How Not to Die

Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease

Michael Greger, MD & Gene Stone

Genre: Diet & Nutrition

Price: $14.99

Publish Date: December 8, 2015

Publisher: Flatiron Books

Seller: Macmillan / Holtzbrinck Publishers, LLC

From the physician behind the wildly popular website NutritionFacts.org , How Not to Die reveals the groundbreaking scientific evidence behind the only diet that can prevent and reverse many of the causes of disease-related death. The vast majority of premature deaths can be prevented through simple changes in diet and lifestyle. In How Not to Die , Dr. Michael Greger, the internationally-renowned nutrition expert, physician, and founder of NutritionFacts.org, examines the fifteen top causes of premature death in America-heart disease, various cancers, diabetes, Parkinson's, high blood pressure, and more-and explains how nutritional and lifestyle interventions can sometimes trump prescription pills and other pharmaceutical and surgical approaches, freeing us to live healthier lives. The simple truth is that most doctors are good at treating acute illnesses but bad at preventing chronic disease. The fifteen leading causes of death claim the lives of 1.6 million Americans annually. This doesn't have to be the case. By following Dr. Greger's advice, all of it backed up by strong scientific evidence, you will learn which foods to eat and which lifestyle changes to make to live longer. History of prostate cancer in your family? Put down that glass of milk and add flaxseed to your diet whenever you can. Have high blood pressure? Hibiscus tea can work better than a leading hypertensive drug-and without the side effects. Fighting off liver disease? Drinking coffee can reduce liver inflammation. Battling breast cancer? Consuming soy is associated with prolonged survival. Worried about heart disease (the number 1 killer in the United States)? Switch to a whole-food, plant-based diet, which has been repeatedly shown not just to prevent the disease but often stop it in its tracks. In addition to showing what to eat to help treat the top fifteen causes of death, How Not to Die includes Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen -a checklist of the twelve foods we should consume every day.Full of practical, actionable advice and surprising, cutting edge nutritional science, these doctor's orders are just what we need to live longer, healthier lives.

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How Not to Die – Michael Greger, MD & Gene Stone

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Probiotic Rescue – Allison Tannis


Probiotic Rescue

How You can use Probiotics to Fight Cholesterol, Cancer, Superbugs, Digestive Complaints and More

Allison Tannis

Genre: Diet & Nutrition

Price: $1.99

Publish Date: September 10, 2013

Publisher: Collins

Seller: HarperCollins

One of the greatest discoveries to hit the health and nutrition market recently has been the effects of probiotics on nearly every aspect of our well-being. Research suggests that probiotics can benefit those with irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, lactose intolerance, diarrhea, cancer and more. More importantly, probiotics support the immune system and improve overall health, and may help cure those infected with E.coli or C.difficile, asthma sufferers or those infected by superbugs. With health benefits for people of every age, gender and race, probiotics are the most important nutritional breakthrough so far this century. Despite these impressive discoveries, many are still unaware about the vast benefits associated with using probiotics, or confused by the array of choices and new information available on the market. This guide is a complete reference that will demystify probiotics, and show readers how to incorporate them safely and effectively into their lifestyles.

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Probiotic Rescue – Allison Tannis

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The Paleo Manifesto – John Durant


The Paleo Manifesto

Ancient Wisdom for Lifelong Health

John Durant

Genre: Diet & Nutrition

Price: $1.99

Publish Date: September 17, 2013

Publisher: Potter/TenSpeed/Harmony

Seller: Random House, LLC

In The Paleo Manifesto: Ancient Wisdom for Lifelong Health , John Durant argues for an evolutionary – and revolutionary – approach to health. All animals, human or otherwise, thrive when they mimic key elements of life in their natural habitat. From diet to movement to sleep, this evolutionary perspective sheds light on some of our most pressing health concerns. What is causing the rise of chronic conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, and depression? Is eating red meat going to kill you? Is avoiding the sun actually the best way to avoid skin cancer?   Durant takes readers on a thrilling ride to the Paleolithic and beyond, unlocking the health secrets of our ancient ancestors. What do obese gorillas teach us about weight loss? How can Paleolithic skulls contain beautiful sets of teeth? Why is the Bible so obsessed with hygiene? What do NASA astronauts teach us about getting a good night’s sleep? And how are Silicon Valley techies hacking the human body?   Blending science and culture, anthropology and philosophy, John Durant distills the lessons from his adventures and shows how to apply them to day-to-day life, teaching people how to construct their own personal “habitat” that will enable them to thrive. The book doesn’t just address what we eat, but why we eat it; not just how to exercise, but the purpose of functional movement; not just being healthy, but leading a purposeful life.   Combining the best of ancient wisdom with cutting edge science, Durant crafts a vision of health that is both fresh and futuristic. From the Hardcover edition.

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The Paleo Manifesto – John Durant

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