Tag Archives: donation-leave

Friday Cat Blogging – 31 January 2014

Mother Jones

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It rained yesterday here in Southern California. I’d put the total damage at a hundredth of an inch, and wunderground.com says I have it about right. It was more like a heavy fog than real rain. But just like those Atlantans freaked out by two inches of snow, it was enough to send Domino scurrying for the warmth and protection of a blanket, which someone had considerately put right on top of her faux sheepskin pod. It turned out to be a great way to ride out the storm.

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Friday Cat Blogging – 31 January 2014

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Friday Cat Blogging – 24 January 2014

Mother Jones

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Friday Cat Blogging – 24 January 2014

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Raw Data: It’s Elites Who Drive Polarization, Not the Working Class

Mother Jones

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Who’s responsible for increasing political polarization? Andrew Gelman suggests that one of the “cleanest pieces of evidence” is public attitudes toward abortion. If you look at the polling data, what you see is that attitudes between Democrats and Republicans start to diverge markedly around 1990. If you dig a little deeper, you find that the change is almost entirely among whites. If you dig a little deeper among whites, you get this:

The biggest change in party polarization on abortion appears among those with mid to high incomes; those with college degrees; and those who are heavily tuned into politics. Among the fabled blue-collar whites, party ID doesn’t really predict attitudes on abortion very well at all.

Gelman avoids drawing any broad conclusions from this, and so will I. But it’s interesting, especially since we’ve seen lots of evidence like this before. It’s elites who have largely turned our major parties into polarized war zones, not the heartland.

Read this article: 

Raw Data: It’s Elites Who Drive Polarization, Not the Working Class

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Mother Jones Goes Old School. Really Old School.

Mother Jones

And now for something completely different. A friend of mine has taken up stained glass as a hobby (you can see more here), and he recently made me a stained glass version of the banner at the top of my blog. It arrived yesterday, and it’s now hanging above my desk. Are you jealous yet? He even got a discount on the raw glass when the folks in the store found out what it was for. Turns out they’re fans of Mother Jones. All I need now to go along with it is an illuminated manuscript version of the blog itself.

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Mother Jones Goes Old School. Really Old School.

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Friday Cat Blogging – 20 December 2013

Mother Jones

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This is the second of Marian’s watercolor heart quilts. (You saw the other one in August, and yet another heart-themed quilt on Valentine’s Day.) It’s machine pieced and machine quilted. It’s also nearly our last quilt of the year. There’s one more to go next Friday, which will make for a grand total of 23 quilts if I’ve counted correctly, and then in 2014 we’ll return to garden-variety catblogging. In the meantime, enjoy your weekend and watch out for the shopping mobs.

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Friday Cat Blogging – 20 December 2013

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This Might Be the Most Jaw-Dropping Tale of Fraud You Read This Year

Mother Jones

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Yesterday, a friend emailed to complain about this headline at NBC News:

Climate change expert’s fraud was ‘crime of massive proportion,’ say feds

Technically, this headline is correct. It’s about a guy who’s a climate change expert. And he did perpetrate a fraud. The thing is, his fraud had nothing to do with the fact that he’s a climate change expert. So why make it sound that way in the headline? Is it just clickbait for the fever swamp denier crowd?

And yet! You really, really ought to click the link and read the story anyway. Just ignore the ridiculous headline and dig in. This really is one of the more remarkable fraud stories of the year. I guarantee your mouth will be hanging open by the time you finish it.

See original article – 

This Might Be the Most Jaw-Dropping Tale of Fraud You Read This Year

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Guess Who Gets the Most Brazen Federal Inflation Adjustment in the Country?

Mother Jones

I learned something new today. Apparently the federal government has a cap on the amount it’s willing to reimburse contractors for the salaries of their employees. If someone makes $50,000 per year, no problem. You can charge the feds for their entire salary if they’re working on government business. But if your company’s CEO makes $3 million per year, you can’t charge it all back to the feds even if 100 percent of the CEO’s time is spent on government contracts. The limit, set in 1998, was $340,000.

This cap was allowed to rise with inflation, so you’d figure that by 2011 it would be around $467,000. But no. It was $763,000. Why? Because ordinary inflation adjustments are for chumps, that’s why. For purposes of charging CEO overhead to the federal government, the cap was set at “the median amount of the compensation provided for the five most highly compensated employees of all publicly owned U.S. corporations with annual sales in excess of $50 million for the most recent fiscal year.”

Isn’t that fabulous? When it comes to the minimum wage, we don’t index for inflation at all. But for CEOs earning top-one-percent pay, we not only index for inflation, we index to the rise in CEO salaries. And since CEOs have been relentlessly voting themselves ever more astronomical compensation over the past few decades, we know that number is going to rise a whole lot faster than piddly old CPI. Ka-ching.

This comes via Lydia DePillis, who’d like to talk about raising the compensation floor, not just cutting the CEO cap back down to size. Good luck with that.

View original post here: 

Guess Who Gets the Most Brazen Federal Inflation Adjustment in the Country?

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Being Smart Isn’t Always Enough to Make it in America

Mother Jones

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Via James Pethokoukis, here’s an interesting tidbit of income mobility data from a new Brookings report. The chart below is a little tricky to read, but basically it shows how likely you are to make more money than your parents. You’d naturally expect smart kids to do better than dimmer kids, so it tracks that too.

Take a look at the green column on the far left. It’s for kids who grow up in the very poorest families. If you have high cognitive ability, you have a 24 percent chance of becoming a high earner as an adult. That’s not too bad.

But if you come from a high-income family, you have a 45 percent chance of becoming a high earner as an adult. Same smarts, different outcome.

No society will ever get this perfect. Still, there’s a huge difference between 24 percent and 45 percent. Better schools, more extracurricular opportunities, different skin color, bigger networks of connected friends, higher odds of going to college, and the simple ability to get in the door all give richer kids a huge leg up that poor kids don’t have. We obviously have a ways to go before everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed in America.

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Being Smart Isn’t Always Enough to Make it in America

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These Are the 194 Children Killed by Guns Since Newtown

Mother Jones

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A year after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Mother Jones has analyzed the subsequent deaths of 194 children ages 12 and under who were reported in news accounts to have died in gun accidents, homicides, and suicides. They are spread across 43 states, from inner cities to tiny rural towns.

Roll over the images to see details of each case. Read the story here and see our full special report here.

Produced by Mark Follman, Tasneem Raja, Ben Breedlove, and AJ Vicens.

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These Are the 194 Children Killed by Guns Since Newtown

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Friday Cat Blogging – 6 December 2013

Mother Jones

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Today we have a statesmanlike pose of Domino on the stairs. Why? Because that’s where she was when I hauled out my camera, and that’s where she stayed when I started clicking away. This dynamic explains about 90 percent of catblogging. Actually, it might explain about 90 percent of life.

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Friday Cat Blogging – 6 December 2013

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