Tag Archives: during-the-past

Big Sale in Progress on Trump Gold Executive Membership Cards!

Mother Jones

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As near as I can tell, pretty much everyone in America is on Donald Trump’s email list. But just in case you’re not one of the lucky ones, I thought I’d bring to your attention that Trump is having a big sale on Gold Executive Membership Cards:

During the past year, we have given them to especially generous and loyal patriots who can be trusted to guide our campaign and support us all the way through Election Day. So I want you to carry your own Donald J. Trump Gold Executive Membership Card.

….Only supporters who have donated $100 or more are carrying these Executive Membership Cards. But Kevin, I know you can bring a lot to our team, so if you’ll donate just $35, I will make sure you get your own personalized Gold Executive Membership Card.

You can keep it in your wallet right next to your Trump Decoder Ring (everything decodes to “the media is against me”).

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Big Sale in Progress on Trump Gold Executive Membership Cards!

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Sanders Extends Winning Streak in Wyoming

Mother Jones

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Bernie Sanders won the Democratic caucuses in Wyoming on Saturday, adding to his winning streak over the past several weeks. Sanders captured 56 percent of the vote, to 44 percent for Hillary Clinton.

Small and overwhelmingly white, Wyoming fits the profile of a Sanders-friendly state. Sanders has also performed better in states that hold caucuses rather than primaries.

But Sanders’ margin of victory wasn’t enough for him to cut into Clinton’s lead in pledged delegates. Each candidate won seven delegates in Wyoming.

Both campaigns put in appearances in Wyoming during the past week. The Clinton campaign sent Bill Clinton to stump for his wife. On Tuesday night, 1,800 people attended a Sanders victory rally at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, after he won the Wisconsin primary that evening.

Wyoming will send 14 pledged delegates to the party’s national convention in Philadelphia this summer, as well as four unpledged superdelegates.

Read this article – 

Sanders Extends Winning Streak in Wyoming

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