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Lady-color now approved for lady-hunters, thank god

It’s Scented

Lady-color now approved for lady-hunters, thank god

By on Aug 13, 2016 6:06 amShare

One small step for big-game sport, one big step for feminism: Hunters can now wear pink!

New York has joined Wisconsin and Colorado in adding hot pink as a designated hunting gear color, alongside the standard “blaze orange,” to attract more women to the sport.

Assemblywoman Eileen Gunther noted to The New York Times that by making hunting gear the color that all women biologically — and that’s a fact — prefer, they will attract “the next generation into the great outdoors.”

Sure? Many hunters are outspoken conservationists, because you can’t skin a deer if the deer have succumbed to the death knell of warmer climes and deforestation. But of all the ways to get young women interested in the great outdoors, hunting is one of the more niche. After all, there are myriad woman-friendly nature appreciation activities that don’t require disemboweling a large mammal — like serenading bluebirds in a sunlit field, for example.

Why might women be — statistically speaking — less inclined toward hunting than men? Could it be because we are too gentle a sex to handle the death of an animal, or because of our innate hatred for sensible shoes? No — it is because things like this happen:

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Lady-color now approved for lady-hunters, thank god

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