Tag Archives: gloria

The Time Gloria Steinem Made Bernie Sanders an "Honorary Woman"

Mother Jones

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In the fall of 1996, locked in a tough re-election fight against Republican Susan Sweetser, then-Rep. Sanders got a big boost when feminist writer and activist Gloria Steinem came to Burlington. At the time, Sweetser was running negative ads attacking Sanders’ liberal positions, and so the Sanders campaign held an event to highlight his support among progressive women. An opening act, a former state senator, told the audience that “a feminist is a person who challenges the power structure of our country” and “Bernie Sanders is that kind of feminist.” When it was Steinem’s turn, she started off with an announcement: “I’m only here today to make Bernie Sanders an honorary woman.”

In his memoir, Outsider in the House, Sanders, who went on to beat Sweetser comfortably, called the event “the nicest moment of the campaign.”


Sanders won’t be able to count on a repeat performance this time around. Steinem, supported Hillary Clinton for president in 2008 and is back in her corner again.

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The Time Gloria Steinem Made Bernie Sanders an "Honorary Woman"

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Biden Says Obama Offered to Help Pay for Son’s Cancer Treatment

Mother Jones

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In an emotional interview with CNN‘s Gloria Borger, Vice President Joe Biden on Monday revealed that President Barack Obama once offered to help him financially amid mounting concerns over his late son Beau’s health.

The offer, Biden says, was made during one of their weekly lunch meetings, in which he told the president he and his wife were contemplating selling their house to help Beau’s family in case he was forced to resign as Delaware’s attorney general.

“He got up and he said, ‘Don’t sell that house. Promise me you won’t sell the house,'” Biden told Borger, who had asked Biden to reveal a moment he would remember ahead of Obama’s final State of the Union on Tuesday. “He said, ‘I’ll give you the money. Whatever you need, I’ll give you the money. Don’t, Joe—promise me. Promise me.’ I said, ‘I don’t think we’re going to have to anyway.’ He said, ‘Promise me.'”

“And then I’ll never forget the eulogy he delivered for Beau.”

Beau ultimately ended up being able to serve the rest of his second term as attorney general. He died in May from brain cancer.

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Biden Says Obama Offered to Help Pay for Son’s Cancer Treatment

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