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DuPont CEO: Renewable Fuel Standard a model for private/public collaboration

DuPont CEO: Renewable Fuel Standard a model for private/public collaboration

Posted 26 February 2013 in


Today, DuPont Chair and CEO Ellen Kullman spoke at the 2013 Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) Energy Innovation Summit, explaining that cooperation between government and the private sector, as well as innovative science, is the key to developing new sources of energy and finding alternatives to oil.

Kullman went on to say that the production of renewable fuel, encouraged by the Renewable Fuel Standard, is a perfect example of such collaboration:

Good government policy is critical and supports technology development and early manufacturing until the new technology is mature enough to stand on its own. There is no better illustration of this than the Renewable Fuel Standard. The RFS has succeeded in doing what Congress intended it to do. Continued policy stability will ensure continued progress – meaning renewable fuels technologies developed and optimized to reach the scale and maturity needed to permanently impact American energy security and consumer choice.


You can click here to read DuPont’s release on this morning’s speech or learn more about DuPont’s work to commercialize production of renewable fuels made from agricultural residue or switchgrass.

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DuPont CEO: Renewable Fuel Standard a model for private/public collaboration

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