Tag Archives: jackson

A new savior for California state parks?

A new savior for California state parks?

It’s been a rough few years for California’s state parks. Since 2008, the state has threatened nearly all the parks with closure, only to save many of them at the last minute thanks in large part to private donations. One such donor, ex-Marine General Anthony Jackson, is now taking over the department after the scandalous resignation of the former head, who had helped to hide $54 million in park funds while the system was in dire straits.


California state parks: Full of pretty and problems.

Appointed in November, Jackson is now tasked with restoring faith in the department. So far, so good: Kathryn Phillips, director of Sierra Club California, told the Los Angeles Times: “It’s kind of shocking how much I like him.” She said Jackson “may be exactly the right man at the right time” for the job. Not that the job will be a super-fun one.

California Dept. of ParksCan Anthony Jackson save California’s parks?

Restoring the sheen to the state’s park system won’t be easy.

The discovery of about $54 million that parks officials had hidden will not solve the funding problems. More than $1 billion in maintenance work has been put off over the years. The accounting scandal, including fresh irregularities unearthed last month by Brown’s Department of Finance and the state controller, may even make things harder.

“It’s going to be difficult to get people in the state of California to rally around parks,” said Dan Jacobson, legislative director at Environment California, an advocacy group. “The image of the money found in someone’s couch is going to keep popping up.”

Jackson comes across as a seriously no-nonsense character, which may not be surprising for a retired Marine general. He doesn’t have any background in politics, but he told Bay Nature that’s a great thing when it comes to this job.

Because I was in the military for so long, I come without any political baggage, without anything but the desire to serve this state in a way that enhances the state park system, and preserves the natural and cultural resources of that system.

Jackson says he has “no mandate” to oversee closures of any parks, let alone closure of a quarter of the system, an idea floated by the state last year. But that doesn’t mean he has any particularly crazy ideas for renewal. From the L.A. Times:

Jackson, who must be confirmed for his new post by the state Senate within a year of his appointment, is still getting his bearings in Sacramento. His vision for the parks system is a work in progress.

“Everything is on the table,” he said. “Everything except fouling the beauty of our parks. We’re not going to turn our parks into Disney World or an arcade.”

Jackson’s real love of parks coupled with his real Marine “passion” could go a long way toward cleaning up California’s mess. The parks aren’t out of into the woods yet — more damning audits and reports are expected over the coming weeks. But if there’s anyone who knows how to handle the gut shots of fiscal failure, Jackson may well be it.

Susie Cagle writes and draws news for Grist. She also writes and draws tweets for



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A new savior for California state parks?

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EPA administrator Lisa Jackson has left the building

EPA administrator Lisa Jackson has left the building

We knew this one was coming, but now it’s official: Lisa Jackson, President Obama’s long-embattled administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, is leaving her post.

Jackson served for four years as lead environmental regulator for the Obama administration, taking innumerable volleys of criticism from all directions. Serious environmentalists felt she caved too regularly to White House-driven compromises, allowing the climate to become a footnote and essential initiatives to be watered down. Meanwhile, the Tea Party right set her up as a job-killing bogeyperson and marshal of a “war on coal.” (Green types only wished that war was real.)

As the first African American EPA administrator, Jackson brought a more inclusive approach to her environmental work — moving both her agency and the national public far beyond old green stereotypes. The achievements of Jackson’s tenure were real: major improvements in automobile emissions standards, important new controls on mercury in power-plant fumes, and the first-ever federal ruling that greenhouse gases should be classed as pollutants.

And yet no one who is conscious of the climate crisis can fail to see the last four years as, fundamentally, a failure where it most counts — a critical, fleeting, now-missed chance to jam open a closing window of opportunity and alter our global-warming course. Early in Obama’s first term, the White House and a then-Democratic Congress took one futile run at a watered-down cap-and-trade measure, then played dead on the issue. Obama barely mentioned the climate during his reelection campaign. Prospects for stronger action remain dim.

When Grist interviewed Jackson last summer, we asked her what headline she’d write over her administration’s record on climate issues. She joked about not being good at keeping her language short and sweet, then came out with:

“In accordance with the law, we moved forward with sensible, cost effective steps at the federal level on climate, using the Clean Air Act.” And I would have a second sentence — see, I can’t write headlines! But it would be something like, “The progress at state and local levels, combined with the federal level, does not obviate the need” — you can’t use obviate, it’s above fifth-grade level! — “does not obviate the need for federal legislation to address this incredibly important challenge for this and future generations.”

And here’s Jackson’s July 2012, appearance on The Colbert Report:


E.P.A. Chief to Step Down, With Climate Still Low Priority, New York Times

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EPA administrator Lisa Jackson has left the building

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