Tag Archives: marshall-inside

Nothing Hillary Clinton Says This Week Matters

Mother Jones

For the love of God, can everyone please stop chattering about whether Hillary Clinton’s latest minuscule miscue is going to be a huge problem for her if she runs for president? Is there truly nothing else to write about?

The correct answer is: no, it will not be a problem. You know why? Because it’s June 2014. The election is scheduled for November 2016. That’s it.

Now can we all move on? I think I’ve only read about 20 explainers today on the path forward for the US at the World Cup. That’s probably not enough, so how about writing a couple dozen more?


Nothing Hillary Clinton Says This Week Matters

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Friday Cat Blogging – 20 June 2014

Mother Jones

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Unless you’re down in Rio watching the World Cup, tomorrow marks the beginning of summer. And you know what that means: lots of snoozing in the sunshine for Domino. Yesterday she got a head start, seeking out sunny spots in the garden that are free from the evil mockingbirds. Not that she really cares about them. They can mock away and she just yawns. I think they’ve even given up their dive-bombing routine since Domino so obviously poses no threat to their lifestyle. Mankind may have fallen centuries ago, but here at Casa Drum the critters live in a state of prelapsarian laziness.

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Friday Cat Blogging – 20 June 2014

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Low Inflation Continues to Disappoint Inflation Hawks

Mother Jones

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Perhaps you’ve read that inflation is up recently. Last night, for example, NBC News breathlessly told me that the price of eggs had gone up 13 cents over the past year. Does this mean that the inflation worries we’ve been hearing about continuously for the past four years are finally coming true?

I’d be happy if they were, since I think higher inflation would do the economy some good. Sadly, though, inflation remains well anchored. Despite the higher numbers of the past two months, the Fed’s latest projections have increased by….one tenth of a percentage point. Or, if you take the average of their range, by one twentieth of a percentage point, from 1.55 percent to 1.6 percent.

And how about 2015? They’re projecting 1.75 percent. And 2016? A whopping 1.8 percent. In other words, they believe that we’ll continue to undershoot our inflation target for at least the next three years.

At the same time, their projection of GDP growth has plummeted from 2.9 percent to 2.2 percent. And their projections for 2015 and 2016 continue to hover around an anemic 3 percent.

So: we have low growth, low price inflation, low wage inflation, and unemployment is still high. This is really not an environment in which spending cuts and lower deficits are the answer. More here from Mark Thoma.

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Low Inflation Continues to Disappoint Inflation Hawks

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