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Man Hears Obama’s Speech on Addiction, Turns in a Cooler Full of Drugs

Mother Jones

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Last week, President Barack Obama traveled to West Virginia, a state that leads the nation in the number of fatal drug overdoses, to announce a new federal program aimed at tackling the country’s growing opiate epidemic.

That same day, a West Virginia man was so moved by the president’s speech, WSAZ reports, that he called 911 to seek help and turn in a “cooler full of drugs.” The cooler reportedly included marijuana, 19 grams of ecstasy, and more than 150 pain killers.

He told authorities he had been watching Obama’s announcement and hoped to become sober for his mother. No charges were filed.

“We applaud this person’s self-initiated efforts and wish him well in his recovery,” a police statement read.

The man, whose name has not been released, was taken to get medical treatment. He chose to enter a rehabilitation center.

For more on the opiate crisis in West Virginia and the president’s speech, head to our previous coverage here.

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Man Hears Obama’s Speech on Addiction, Turns in a Cooler Full of Drugs

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John Oliver Explains How America’s Bail System Destroys the Lives of the Poor

Mother Jones

In the United States, an overwhelming number of defendants spend time behind bars simply because they can’t afford to pay bail—a situation that disproportionately hurts the poor and leads many people to plead guilty to crimes just to avoid jail time, regardless of guilt.

“The frequency and cost of bail have risen dramatically,” John Oliver explained on Sunday. “In 2013, an analysis of New Jersey’s jail population found that nearly 40 percent were being held solely because they couldn’t meet the terms of their bail.”

“If 40 percent of a group don’t meet the basic criteria to be there, that should change your perception of what that group is.”

But even a short stint in jail, oftentimes the only option for the poor, can end up ruining lives for a long time after.

“Jail can do for your actual life what being in a marching band can do for your social life,” Oliver said. “Even if you’re just in for a little while it can destroy you.”

This is made all the more depressing, considering pre-trail services exist and offer a better and even cheaper alternative. Watch Oliver’s segment below:

For more on the shady, highly lucrative bail industry, read our in-depth report here.

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John Oliver Explains How America’s Bail System Destroys the Lives of the Poor

Posted in Anchor, FF, GE, LAI, LG, ONA, Radius, Uncategorized, Venta | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on John Oliver Explains How America’s Bail System Destroys the Lives of the Poor