Tag Archives: newborns

Take an interactive tour of the world’s (cutest) vanishing species

Take an interactive tour of the world’s (cutest) vanishing species

By on 9 Jun 2015commentsShare

The humble sun bear.

Bryan James

File this under “superlatives you have never considered awarding before” — here’s the most adorable primer on extinction you’ve ever seen.

A British design firm made the “Species in Pieces” exhibition to showcase 30 “of the world’s most interesting but unfortunately endangered species.” Over a meditatively mournful piano track, the animals assemble and disassemble from a series of animated triangles. Click through, and you get facts about the threats facing each delightful creature, statistics about remaining populations, and videos of the real-life animals swimming or crawling or rolling adorably around.

On the hit list are cuties like the vaquita, a tiny dolphin that lives (for now) in the Gulf of Mexico. Newborns, as the site adorably informs us, are “the size of a loaf of bread,” and constantly look like they’re smiling.

The vaquita.

Bryan James

Then there’s the three-banded Brazilian armadillo, just returned from a tour of duty as the 2014 FIFA World Cup mascot. It may be an endearing match for jaguars and athletes’ feet alike — not to mention our hearts — but it doesn’t stand a chance against habitat loss and climate change.

Brazilian armadillo. Bryan James

The list goes on, with teeny golden frogs and wee pygmy sloths and the squee-worthy forest owlet. Like a lot of awareness-raising art, it’s not clear what we should do or feel at the end of a project like this. So until I can think up something more productive, I’ll just settle for a combination of swooning and sobbing and watching slow loris video compilations. Please, join me.



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Take an interactive tour of the world’s (cutest) vanishing species

Posted in Anchor, Dolphin, Everyone, FF, G & F, GE, LG, ONA, Radius, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Take an interactive tour of the world’s (cutest) vanishing species