4 Ways to Have the Greenest Christmas Tree
Decorating an outside tree is just one way you can have a greener holiday season. Photo: Shutterstock
‘Tis the season to start looking for the perfect tree to light up your home for the holidays.
Since most Christmas trees are grown on reputable farms, live trees are now a more eco-friendly option than artificial trees, which are made from nonrecyclable materials. But if you’re looking to go even greener this season, there are other sustainable options available.
Rent a Live Tree
Many nurseries now offer the option to rent out live trees, and some even come fully decorated. The renter simply waters the tree throughout the season, then takes it back to the nursery to be cared for until the next year.
Get a Plantable Bulb
No tree-renting nurseries near you? Why not get a plantable bulb tree? After the holidays, you can plant it outdoors, further lowering your carbon footprint.
Decorate an Outside Tree
Decorate your yard and your tree at the same time by planting and decorating an outside Christmas tree. Another perk — you get to appreciate it year-round, not just during the holidays.
If you’re still inclined to get a cut tree, there are several recycling options available. Leftover trees can be used for mulch, erosion, habitat creation and more. Check out our treecycling search to find a recycling option near you.