Tag Archives: strong

‘Step the f#$@ off’: Dianne Feinstein gets the SNL treatment

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The recent showdown between California Senator Dianne Feinstein and a bunch of young climate activists asking her to back the Green New Deal has taken social media by storm.

Want to relive the heated exchange? Saturday Night Live has you covered. In an unaired sketch, comedian Cecily Strong plays a feisty, condescending version of the Democratic senator. She did not hold back.

“Oh, I see what’s happening,” Strong tells the kids in the video. “You’re gonna tell me how to do my job. OK, well, I don’t come into your first-grade classroom and knock the Elmer’s glue out of your mouth, do I? So why don’t you stay in your lane and step the f#$@ off?”

As each attempt to talk to the kids goes awry, Strong keeps asking for a do-over. One kid states the obvious: “You’re mean.”

The skit is laugh-out-loud funny, but the producers cut the segment from Saturday’s live show. That decision may have been due to time constraints — the sketches ran longer than normal, according to Rolling Stone. But it may also be a sign that SNL’s producers, like Feinstein, might be a little out of touch on climate change.

There’s another indication that SNL doesn’t know what’s up: In the sketch, one of the children holds up a cute sign that says “Save the Whales.” Seems innocuous, right? Well, the purpose of the protesters’ visit to the senator’s office wasn’t to save ocean creatures — it was to get Feinstein on board with the Green New Deal.

“SNL writers/editors thought that made sense, that climate change — the real subject of the visit — is another version of esoteric critter-saving,” tweeted Vox’s David Roberts, a former Grist writer.

While climate change affects every ecosystem on Earth, “saving the whales” overlooks the point of the Green New Deal. Rather, its intent is to propose an economy-wide transformation that links renewable energy with policies such as universal healthcare and a federal jobs guarantee, addressing that climate change and inequality coexist.

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‘Step the f#$@ off’: Dianne Feinstein gets the SNL treatment

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Why Do Republicans Tell Such Obvious Lies?

Mother Jones

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These tweets from Paul Ryan’s press secretary kind of crack me up:

This is a pretty crude evasion, and a seemingly pointless one. Anybody who’s savvy enough to know what a CBO score is in the first place also knows that this is badly misleading. Earlier bills were scored. Earlier bills went through committee. Earlier bills were posted online a month ago. But none of that applies to the actual bill that was passed on Thursday.

So why bother? Donald Trump has taught Republicans that Twitter is a useful tool for communicating with your base, and that’s all this is. Most people who read these tweets will have no idea what they’re about, just that they’re more examples of how the lying left is always telling lies about Republicans. It will become a useful attack meme on the right for a while, and that’s all it’s for.

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Why Do Republicans Tell Such Obvious Lies?

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Florida voters care about climate change. Too bad the Republican presidential candidates don’t

Florida voters care about climate change. Too bad the Republican presidential candidates don’t

By on 15 Mar 2016commentsShare

In Florida’s Tuesday presidential primary, 99 Republican delegates are up for grabs. In a state where 81 percent of residents think that climate change is occurring, Republican voters will choose between presidential candidates who don’t.

At last week’s Republican presidential debate, held in Miami, Marco Rubio responded to a question submitted by the city’s Republican mayor, Tomás Regalado, who is concerned about climate change and sea-level rise. Rubio does not share that concern: “There’s never been a time when the climate has not changed,” he said. In a follow-up on CNN, Rubio again dismissed concerns about climate change, arguing, “What there is no consensus on is how much of the changes that are going on are due to human activity.” Ted Cruz and the Frontrunner Who Shall Not Be Named are widely known for their anti-climate-action stances. Even Ohio Gov. John Kasich isn’t as moderate on the issue as he’s made out to be. In a stunning display of his grasp of foreign-policy nuance, Kasich barked at a town hall on Sunday, “I think when [Secretary of State John Kerry] went to Paris [for the U.N. climate conference], he should have gone there to get our allies together to fight ISIS instead.”

But it’s not just the presidential candidates muddying the scientific waters here. Republican Gov. Rick Scott and former Gov. Jeb! Bush push back against (if not flat-out deny) climate science — Scott famously barred state employees from even using the term “climate change” last year — and Republican House members Mario Diaz-Balart, Jeff Miller, and Bill Posey have all expressed denialist views over the past decade.

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The disconnect between Floridian voters and ostrich-esque representatives isn’t a new one, but that doesn’t make it any less curious.

One of Florida’s flagship industries — tourism — is bound to be heavily affected by climate change. The industry contributed $51 billion to state GDP in 2015, and 1.1 million Floridians’ jobs are related to tourism. Over the next 15 years, sea levels in the state are expected to rise by 6–10 inches, when compared to 1992 levels. Rising seas and storm surges also threaten a lot of the state’s real estate and promise to batter the tax base. It’s the kind of recipe that gives rise to climate concern, even if the impetus is largely economic.

So why do Floridians continue to vote for politicians who don’t take climate change seriously?

One explanation is that voters care about climate change, but simply care about it less than issues like the economy, taxation, and immigration. In a statewide poll of the “biggest issue facing the 2016 candidates for president,” released last week, the economy ranked first for 46 percent of self-identifying Republicans and 40 percent of Strong Republicans. Climate change only garnered 1 percent of the vote in each category. (For comparison, Democrats and Strong Democrats ranked climate change in the top position 4 percent and 8 percent of the time, respectively. Democrats, too, put the economy in the top spot.) The issue, then, is not necessarily one of ignorance or denial, but one of priority.

It’s worth noting that this is true of national polls, as well. The climate is never ranked as exceptionally pressing by voters, for all the reasons it’s difficult to deal with climate change in the first place. Climate change is a slow, lagged, and diffuse phenomenon. It’s personally and politically difficult to wrap one’s head around.

But recall that Republican Mayor Regalado was the one who posed the climate question to Rubio last week. Indeed, Regalado was one of 21 mayors who signed on to an open letter demanding a focus on climate change at the Miami presidential debate. Why do Florida voters elect mayors who care about climate change, but federal representatives and governors who don’t? That’s likely a function of cities’ tendencies to house more liberal-leaning residents. Mayors, too, are the ones that often have to answer (read: pay) for the immediate effects of a changing climate, and that can prime them toward climate action.

Of course, for Florida Republican primary voters, there’s not actually a real choice here when it comes to climate change. With all four presidential candidates actively opposing serious climate action, the electorate can’t help but allocate delegates to denialism. Which is a shame, because the seas are still rising.



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Florida voters care about climate change. Too bad the Republican presidential candidates don’t

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American Farmers Need a Strong RFS


American Farmers Need a Strong RFS

Posted 20 October 2015 in


Earlier this month, the National Farmers Union and the National Corn Growers Association released a white paper detailing the dramatic toll that uncertainty over the Renewable Fuel Standard has taken on rural economies. Projections for American farmers’ net cash income in 2015 show a 26 percent decrease from peak levels in 2013.

The RFS, which is the only federal law on the books combating climate change, has driven sustainable growth in renewable fuel for a decade. The renewable fuel industry sparked an economic revolution that raised farm incomes across sectors while creating jobs in rural communities. U.S. farmers increased their production by investing in better technology and sustainable acreage expansion.

But the EPA’s failure to release the rules for 2013, 2014, and 2015 has caused net farm income to likely fall more than 50 percent in only two years. When the farm community loses, the whole country loses.

By sidestepping its responsibilities on the RFS, the EPA is putting American jobs, investments, and innovations at risk.

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American Farmers Need a Strong RFS

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Staying Strong – Demi Lovato


Staying Strong

365 Days a Year

Demi Lovato

Genre: Self-Improvement

Price: $9.99

Publish Date: November 19, 2013

Publisher: Feiwel & Friends

Seller: Macmillan / Holtzbrinck Publishers, LLC

Demi Lovato wakes up each morning and affirms her commitment to herself—to her health, her happiness, her being. Those commitments are the bedrock of her recovery and her work helping other young people dealing with the issues she lives with every single day. Demi is a platinum-selling recording artist whose latest album—DEMI—is already a smash hit. She’s about to embark on her second season as a judge on X-Factor, and just launched The Lovato Treatment Scholarship Program. And she is an outspoken advocate for young people everywhere. Demi is also a young woman finding her way in the world. She has dealt deftly with her struggles in the face of public scrutiny, and she has always relied, not just on friends and family, but daily affirmations of her self-worth and value. Affirmations that steady her days and strengthen her resolve. Those affirmations have grown into STAYING STRONG, a powerful 365-day collection of Demi’s most powerful, honest, and hopeful insights. Each day will provide the readers with a quote, a personal reflection and a goal. These are Demi’s words. Words she lives by and shares with the people she loves and total strangers alike. They are a powerful testament to a young woman standing up and fighting back.

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Staying Strong – Demi Lovato

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The Digest Diet (Enhanced Edition) – Liz Vaccariello


The Digest Diet (Enhanced Edition)
The Best Foods for Fast, Lasting Weight Loss
Liz Vaccariello

Genre: Health & Fitness

Price: $9.99

Publish Date: September 27, 2012

Publisher: Reader’s Digest

Seller: Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

The Digest Diet is a 21-day weight-loss plan based on groundbreaking science and newly discovered foods and habits that help your body to release fat.&amp;#160;Reader&amp;rsquo;s Digest sifted through all the weight-loss science to pick the foods, recipes, and habits that truly slim you down quickly and safely. We reviewed cutting-edge nutrition advances and myth-busting articles. We discovered some new reasons fat creeps on&amp;mdash;and reliable ways to get it to fade away quickly.&amp;#160;The Digest Diettargets surprising fat increasers in three key areas&amp;mdash;eating, environment and exercise&amp;mdash;and gives you the tools you need to turn the tables and shift your body into fat release mode.&amp;#160;The eating plan is organized in three basic stages: Fast Release,Fade Away, and Finish Strong. Every phase loads you up on fat releasers. But the calorie and macronutrient ratios shift in each so as to maximize fat release&amp;mdash;and results!&amp;#160;Fast Release (12-minute exercise routine) is a four-day fat releasing jump start. The Fat-Release Workout combines both strength training and HIIT (high intensity interval training) into a 12-minute workout that&amp;rsquo;s amazingly effective for fat burn and muscle growth.&amp;#160;Fade Away transitions you into lean proteins and micronutrient-rich greens. For this 10-day stretch, you continue to have a shake a day, but the lean-and-green focus gives yourbody what it needs to help you release fat and build muscle, while lowering your intake of carbohydrates for faster fat fade.&amp;#160;Finish Strong is the last week of the plan. The meals and recipes show you how to enjoy a balanced, healthy, wholefoods diet rich in fat releasers.&amp;#160;The Digest Diet provides a list of 13 fat releasers, which include Vitamin C, Calcium, Protein and Coconut Oil, as well as an easy cheat sheet of fat releasing foods that can be eaten during the diet, such as broccoli, grapefruit, mozzarella cheese, almonds, fish, beef, red wine, dark chocolate and avocados, to name…

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The Digest Diet (Enhanced Edition) – Liz Vaccariello

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Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy – JJ Virgin


Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy

The 5-Step Plan to Sleek, Strong, and Sculpted Arm

JJ Virgin

Genre: Health & Fitness

Price: $10.99

Publish Date: May 11, 2010

Publisher: Gallery Books

Seller: Simon and Schuster Digital Sales Inc.

You have the right to bare arms! JJ Virgin, nutrition and fitness coach to the stars, and author of THE VIRGIN DIET, has created a simple, no-fail program that will trim, tone, and transform your arms into your hottest accessory. You don’t even need to go to the gym! JJ’s fun, tell-it-like-it-is method will teach you a no-fuss approach to eating that will increase your energy, help you build muscle, and get you off diets for good. She provides simple strategies for avoiding the common mistakes that can derail your progress, including how to reduce stress and how to change poor sleeping habits. JJ reveals the keys to building lean arms, and why your muscles will never get bigger from lifting weights –only smaller and more defined. And last, there are great tips for showing off your hot new assets—flattering outfits, how to pose for pictures, plus more insider secrets!

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Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy – JJ Virgin

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