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Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech on College Campuses

Mother Jones

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On a Wednesday afternoon episode of the Glenn Beck Radio Program, Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson advocated censorship of “extreme political bias” on college campuses.

During the “rapid-fire” component of the program, Beck asked whether Carson would shut down the Department of Education. Carson responded that he had a plan to make the federal agency useful.

“I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do,” Carson said. “It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if it exists.”

This is not the first time that Carson has spoken about the need to eradicate alleged political bias from college classrooms. In June, he offered the same idea while appearing as a guest on a Las Vegas radio show.

Carson often complains that the United States is weighed down by what he calls a “PC culture.” It seems that his defense of intemperate speech doesn’t extend to political speech that he finds objectionable.

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Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech on College Campuses

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