Tag Archives: tossers

Are You Ready to Take the 5-Day Zero-Waste Challenge?

How much trash do you produce in just one week? YouTuber LucieFink combed through her past weeks worth of garbageand was shocked to see how much trash she generated.

Lucie Fink sorted through her garbage to see just how much trash she created in a week.

Fink hostsaYouTube channel,Try Living with Lucie, in which she documentsfive days trying something new.

Recently, Fink took on a five-day challenge to produce notrash. To help her get started, she enlisted the help ofLauren Singer, azero-wasteguru and bloggeratTrash is for Tossers. Singerhas managed to produce onlya mason jars worth of trashin the last three years.

In Finks video below, Singer told her thatthere are four must-havesfor adopting a zero-waste lifestyle: a glass jar, reusable silverware, reusablenapkins and a tote bag. Then, Singer guided Fink throughher weekly routine, including ordering coffee, grocery shopping and goingout to eat.

Watch the video,5 Days of Zero Trash, here:

Written by Cole Mellino. Reposted with permission from Ecowatch.

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are solely those of the author and may not reflect those of Care2, Inc., its employees or advertisers.

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Are You Ready to Take the 5-Day Zero-Waste Challenge?

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