Tag Archives: Vitamin

Foods You Can Eat to Repel Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes find you primarily by your scent. Although, the chemical compounds that create your personal scent are very complex, and researchers have barely scratched the surface of what makes one person smell better to mosquitoes than another.

What we do know is that mosquitoes are extremely sensitive and can smell a potential meal from over 50 meters (160 feet) away. We also know that the foods we eat can change how our bodies smell. Have you ever had a meal seasoned with pungent spices, then smelled them on your breath or skin afterwards?

Mosquitoes can also smell what you?ve been eating, and some foods are more likely than others to throw them off your scent. Try loading up on the following foods this summer and see if mosquitoes give you a miss.

1. Garlic

Research suggests that the scent of garlic is able to ward off mosquitoes. In fact, garlic is recognized as so effective that it?s included in various commercial bug and mosquito repellents. Garlic?s distinctive smell is partially due to its unique chemical compound called allicin. When you eat garlic, you?ve likely noticed the smell of allicin as it comes through the pores of your skin. Rest assured that you don?t smell bad, you?re simply protecting yourself against mosquitoes.

Incidentally, onions have been shown to repel some insects, but not mosquitoes. This may be due to the fact onions do not contain allicin.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

The strong smell of apple cider vinegar is known to repel mosquitoes and some other bugs. You can take advantage of its repelling action by simply wiping some on your skin. But, if you consume apple cider vinegar regularly, the scent may naturally come through your pores.

It?s recommended to consume at least one tablespoon (18 milliliters) of apple cider vinegar per day to have enough in your system to ward off mosquitoes. Apple cider vinegar has many other health benefits and you can add it to salad dressings, soups or other dishes. You can also drink a tablespoon of plain vinegar each day, but first check these guidelines on how to safely drink cider vinegar.

3. Foods with Vitamin B1

Anecdotal evidence suggests that vitamin B1, also called thiamine, can help deter mosquitoes. Many people have experienced a benefit of either using vitamin B1 supplements or eating foods high in vitamin B1. Unfortunately, research has not been able to support these claims.

Based on the many personal success stories, you may want to try including foods high in thiamine in your diet and see what happens. Some of the best sources of thiamine include sunflower seeds, black beans, navy beans, soy beans, lentils, brewer?s and nutritional yeasts, macadamia nuts and wheat germ.

Related: 7 Ways to Repel Mosquitoes Without Putting Anything on Your Skin

4. Grapefruit

Nootkatone is the chemical compound that gives grapefruit its familiar fragrance. Nootkatone is also proven to be an effective repellent for mosquitoes, as well as ticks, bed bugs, head lice and various other insects. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are working with biotechnology companies to develop a commercial bug repellent based on nootkatone. This would provide a safe and natural product to help combat disease-spreading insects like mosquitoes and ticks.

It?s not known if eating grapefruit regularly will provide enough nootkatone to repel insects from your skin. But, nootkatone and grapefruit are recognized as completely safe to eat, so it?s definitely worth a try.

5. Herbs and Spices

The essential oils from many different herbs and spices are recognized as effective mosquito repellents. These oils are typically applied to the skin. The effect of eating the source herbs and spices remains unknown as it has never been studied. Although, it?s very plausible that the pungent oils contained in the fresh herbs and spices could affect the smell of your skin. And considering that most herbs and spices also have many health benefits, you can?t go wrong adding more flavors to your food.

Some of the best herbs and spices proven to repel mosquitoes include clove, thyme, cinnamon, rosemary, lavender, catnip, peppermint, and lemongrass, which contains citronella.

Related on Care2

8 Natural Mosquito Repellants
Why You?re a Mosquito Magnet, According to Science
Women Prefer the Scent of a Man Who Eats This Diet

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are solely those of the author and may not reflect those of Care2, Inc., its employees or advertisers.

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Foods You Can Eat to Repel Mosquitoes

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No, Millennials Are Not Wizards With Computers

Mother Jones

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Happy New Year!

I promise this post is not about Donald Trump, even though it starts with him. Here he is talking further about the whole hacking episode:

“I don’t care what they say, no computer is safe,” he added. “I have a boy who’s 10 years old; he can do anything with a computer. You want something to really go without detection, write it out and have it sent by courier.”

Trump’s proposal of a massive new executive branch courier service is intriguing as the foundation of his promise to create more jobs, but that’s not what I’m here to talk about. Rather, I want to talk about the myth that young people are all geniuses with computers.

As usual, I won’t claim any huge expertise here. However, I do interact with young ‘uns periodically, mostly pretty smart ones. However, even they generally have no real expertise with computers. Far from it, in fact. What they do have is (a) a general familiarity with the UI conventions of modern smartphone apps, and (b) a deep and encyclopedic familiarity with the handful of apps they use constantly. This provides a surface sheen of expertise, especially to older folks who don’t use smartphones much.

But dig an inch below the surface and most of them don’t really know much. Grab your stereotypical person on a street corner and ask them, say, when the French left Vietnam. Or what vegetable has the most Vitamin A. These take about ten seconds each to answer (1954-56,1 sweet potatoes), but most people struggle with stuff like this, and young folks struggle just as much as anyone. Ditto for any app they aren’t familiar with, especially on a platform they aren’t familiar with.

There’s nothing unusual about this. Ask a question about Facebook on an iPhone and you’ll get a flurry of activity from your average teenager but only a blank stare from me. Ask more generally about some problem on a Windows machine, and I can probably help you while your average teenager will now be the one with the blank stare.

On average, young people are more comfortable around computers than older people. Show them a new app and they’re generally willing to learn it, while us older coots probably don’t want to bother unless we really think it’s going to be useful. Younger generations also have different preferences thanks to these apps (text vs. phone calls, news aggregators vs. weekly newsmagazines, etc.). But that’s about it. In the sense of broad knowledge of computers and networks, or the ability to find information, or the ability to produce useful work with their computers, Xers and millennials aren’t any more savvy than the rest of us.

But the flying fingers on their smartphones, along with their deep familiarity with the apps they use, provide an aura of expertise so compelling that it seems almost genetically inborn. Mostly, though, it’s an illusion.

Of course, even with that illusion affecting our judgment, most of us don’t believe that ten-year-olds “can do anything with a computer.” For that level of idiocy, you really need Donald Trump.

1OK, I’ll confess that finding the 1956 component of that answer took me more than a few seconds. The French agreed to leave in 1954, and the last troops left in 1956.


No, Millennials Are Not Wizards With Computers

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8 Climate-Friendly Superfoods for 2016

Superfoodsare gaining popularityand for good reason. They directlysupport the immune system, reduceinflammation, support mental health,pack a nutritional punch,and boost energy, stamina and longevity.

Here are eightsuperfoods to watch in 2016 that are not only good for you, but also good for the planet:

1. Crickets

Long-consumed in many parts of the developing world, crickets are makingtheir way into cookies, milkshakes and other food items in the U.S.Photo credit: Shutterstock

Crickets are loaded with protein. They also thrive in hotter climates and survive off decaying waste and very little water and space,Mother Jonesreported.For this reason, crickets and other insects havebeenhailedas the next climate-friendly superfood. They can be ground into baking flour or protein powder, and addedto cookies, brownies ormilkshakes.

While eating cricketsor any type of insect for that matterhasnt completely caught on in the U.S., its making progress. Last year, fast food chainWayback Burgersput outa fake press release as anApril Fools jokeabout insect-filled milkshakes, but the idea was so popular that theyrolled out theirOreo Mud Pie Cricket Protein Milkshake.

2. Pulses

Theyre the dried seeds of lentils, beans and chickpeasand the UN hasdeclared2016 to be their year. They already make up 75 percent of the average diet in developing countries, but only 25 percent in developed ones, according to the UN.

That could all change, though. Pulses contain 20 to 25 percent protein by weight, approaching the protein levels of meat, which average30 to 40 percent. They also require far less water than meat to produce.

3. Amaranth

Amaranth is a complete source of protein.Photo credit: Shutterstock

Amaranth is the new quinoa, trend expert Daniel Levine toldThe Huffington Post. Its a grain-like seed that cooks quickly and can be added to salads, soups and stews. Its a complete source of protein just like quinoa, and it is loaded withfiber,B vitamins andseveral important minerals. Additionally, its beenshownto reduce inflammation, and lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

4. Kefir

Kefiris the trendiestfermentedfood right now (sorry, kombucha and kimchi).Its high in nutrients andprobiotics, and is incredibly beneficial for digestion andgut health.Many people consider it to be a healthier and more powerful version ofyogurt.

To make it,grains (yeast and lactic acid bacteria cultures) are added to cow or goat milk. The concoction ferments over a 24-hour period and then the grains are removed from the liquid.


Sometimes written as tef or tef, this pseudo-grain (its technically a seed)has a high nutritional profile and a taste similarto that of amaranth or quinoa. Thisancient grainhas survived for centuries without muchhybridization or processing.Like most other ancient grains, its high in fiber, calcium and iron.

Traditionally cultivated inEthiopia and Eritrea, teff can be grown in a variety of conditions.Teff thrives in both waterlogged soils and duringdroughts, making it a dependable staple wherever its grown. No matter what the weather, teff crops will likely survive, as they are also relatively free of plant diseases compared to other cereal crops,Whole Grains Councilsaid.

Teff can grow where many other crops wont thrive, and in fact can be produced from sea level to as high as 3,000 meters of altitude, with maximum yield at about 1,800-2,100 meters high, the council said. This versatility could explain why teff is now being cultivated in areas as diverse as dry and mountainous Idaho and the low and wet Netherlands.

6. Moringa

Moringa can be ground intoa powder.Photo credit: Shutterstock

Its often called the the miracle tree or the tree of life, according toTIME. Its commonly found inAsian and African countries, and almost every part of itpods, leaves, seeds and rootsis edible. Its agood sourceof Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and iron. Not only does it pack a nutritional punch, its also afast-growing, drought-tolerant plantthat is a promising biofuel and medicinal source.

7. Kelp

Kelp grows super fast (up to two feet per day), and requires neither freshwater nor fertilizer. And rather than contributing to our carbon footprint, as many fertilizers and food sources do, seaweed cleanses the ocean of excess nitrogen and carbon dioxide,Mother Jonesreported. One kelpfarmer on the Long Island Sound evenclaimshesrestoringthe ocean while producing a sustainable food and fuel source.

8. Waste-Based Food

This isnt as weird as it sounds. In order to reducefood waste, restaurants are findingcreative waysto use the edibleparts of plants and animals that are often thrown out. Last year, award-winning chef Dan Barber held atwo-week pop-upat Blue Hill, his restaurant in New York City, where he cooked with spent grain, cocoa beans, pasta scraps andvegetablepulp.

Written by Cole Mellino. Reposted with permission from EcoWatch.

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are solely those of the author and may not reflect those of Care2, Inc., its employees or advertisers.


8 Climate-Friendly Superfoods for 2016

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People Are Trying to Sell Cinnamon Bark as an Ebola Cure

Mother Jones

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Marion Nestle reports that several supplement manufacturers are selling vitamins that promise to prevent or treat Ebola. The claims caught the attention of the FDA, which has issued warning letters to three of the manufacturers: Natural Solutions Foundation, Young Living, and DoTERRA International LLC. The agency lists specific claims it finds worrisome; for example, on a Young Living consultant’s website, “Ebola Virus can not live in the presence of cinnamon bark.”

Here’s a screenshot from Natural Solutions Foundations’ website:

An article on the Natural Solutions site talks about “the intentional introduction of Ebola into the United States by what will appear to be ISIS terrorists.” It continues, “And it will happen soon, since we know from Dr. Rima’s research that Ebola can become an airborne disease in temperate climates, such as North America’s coming winter.” It urges readers to prepare by stocking up on supplements that contain nanoparticles of silver: “The only protection we have against this new level of tyranny is making sure we do not get sick!!! The best way to do that is to make sure that EVERYONE you can reach has Nano Silver and knows how to use it.”

Another supposed natural Ebola cure making the rounds: Vitamin C. Nestle found this gem on an alternative health information site called NaturalHealth365, which claims that a giant dose of vitamin C can cure Ebola (though it doesn’t actually sell Vitamin C):


It’s not terribly surprising that supplement manufacturers have seized on Ebola. A new Harvard School of Public Health poll has found that 38 percent of Americans (up from 25 percent a few months ago) “are now concerned that they or someone in their immediate family may get sick with Ebola over the next year.” That’s quite a market.

Original article: 

People Are Trying to Sell Cinnamon Bark as an Ebola Cure

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Nuun All Day Hydration, Natural Vitamin Enhanced Drink Tablets, 4 Flavor Variety Pack: Grape Raspberry, Blueberry Pomegranate, Tangerine Lime, Grapefruit Orange (4 Tubes/15 Tabs Per Tube)


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Nature’s Way Vitamin B-100 Complex, 100 Capsules


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