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The Trump Files: Watch Donald Not Be Able to Multiply 17 By 6

Mother Jones

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Until the election, we’re bringing you “The Trump Files,” a daily dose of telling episodes, strange-but-true stories, or curious scenes from the life of presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was a frequent and favorite guest on Howard Stern’s radio show, and one day in 2006 he brought his children Ivanka and Donald Jr., along for an episode. At one point during the nearly hour-long appearance, the Trump kids explained how they got into the famed Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, their dad’s alma mater, on their own merits. The pair talked up their high SAT scores and told Stern that no one, even parents of friends who allegedly donated large amounts to Wharton, could buy their way into the school.

Then Stern gave the Trumps a pop quiz in simple math. The kids struggled to get the answer right—and Trump himself couldn’t do the basic calculation. But, in what might have been a telling moment, the elder Trump insisted that his answer was correct.

Read the rest of “The Trump Files”:

Trump Files #1: The Time Andrew Dice Clay Thanked Donald for the Hookers
Trump Files #2: When Donald Tried to Stop Charlie Sheen’s Marriage to Brooke Mueller
Trump Files #3: The Brief Life of the “Trump Chateau for the Indigent”
Trump Files #4: Donald Thinks Asbestos Fears Are a Mob Conspiracy
Trump Files #5: Donald’s Nuclear Negotiating Fantasy
Trump Files #6: Donald Wants a Powerball for Spies
Trump Files #7: Donald Gets An Allowance
Trump Files #8: The Time He Went Bananas on a Water Cooler
Trump Files #9: The Great Geico Boycott
Trump Files #10: Donald Trump, Tax-Hike Crusader
Trump Files #11: Watch Donald Trump Say He Would Have Done Better as a Black Man

Original article – 

The Trump Files: Watch Donald Not Be Able to Multiply 17 By 6

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