Mother Jones
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Today was just plain boring compared with yesterday. Still, I guess I can dig up five favorite moments:
Trump campaign defends Melania Trump’s plagiarism by saying, “This concept that Michelle Obama invented the English language is absurd.”
The official theme of the evening, “Make America Work Again,” is completely missing in action. Does that count as a moment? A non-moment? Whatever it is, it makes the list.
In its place, “Lock her up” turns into the official slogan of the evening.
Donald Trump Jr., the son of a famously flamboyant billionaire, rails against the “self-satisfied people at the top, our new aristocrats.”
Ben Carson tells us that Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer; Hillary Clinton wrote a college thesis about Alinsky; therefore Clinton is…a Satan worshipper?
Credit –
The 5 Best Moments of the Republican Convention: Tuesday Edition